Topics About 'Abbreviations'.

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Found 11 results

  1. Common ER abbreviations for charting

    Hello, I'm a new grad in the ER and was wondering if any of you could give me common abbreviations used in the ER charting? When charting my initial assessment I feel like I'm spelling everything word for word and it's taking me longer. Any suggesti...
  2. allnurses

    EtOH Medical Abbreviation

    What is EtOH? EtOH may be used as a shorthand abbreviation, but it is also a way to describe the molecular formula of ethanol, C2H5OH, sometimes written as C2H6O. Breaking down the two components of EtOH: Et, short for Ethyl, indicates the ...
  3. Medical Abbreviations 'AK'

    I'm trying to help someone with an abbreviations quiz. What is the abbreviation for 'above the knee'. It does NOT say 'amputation'. Is it just 'AK'?
  4. What are some important abbreviations I should be familiar with as an LVN/LPN?
  5. Triage and Assessment Abbreviation

    I am a new grad to the ED and have come across some abbreviations when reading ED Triage notes and ED Assessments specifically. I'd like people to add more to the list, to hopefully create a more comprehensive list of abbreviations, as I only know a...
  6. Abbreviation for ointment

    I was just making notes of some abbreviations for dosage forms and saw "ung" listed as the abbreviation for ointment. What I was wondering is if this is actually what nurses, doctors, etc. use in practice? To me it seems I have only ever seen "oint...
  7. Unacceptable Abbreviations

    I've been studying for the dosage calculation math we will be doing in nursing school and read about what is considered "unacceptable abbreviations". For example, it says doctors should write out "discontinue" or "discharge" rather than "D/C" because...
  8. If you do know what it stands for, you know that it is obviously not a very glamourous topic: BRBPR This is an approved abbreviation at my hospital (is it at yours?). Recently, I have heard several nurses see this in nurses notes, etc. and said "wha...
  9. I can't figure this one out! On my patient's chart for Albuterol nebulizer it said "RTQ4WA". What the heck does that mean?
  10. For clinical this term, we had to participate in a game of "Nursing Trivial Pursuit"--although the material covered is not at all trivial. More or less it's review, but one question that had the 6 others in my clinical group and my instructor stumped...
  11. Pain abbreviated Px?

    I've been using Px as an abbreviation for pain. I never really learned that in school, but some of my co-workers use it. I can't find anything that proves that this is a legitimate abbreviation. Any references?