Swine Flu


Specializes in School Nursing.

the cdc reports the following outbreaks:

california 7 cases

kansas 2 cases

new york city 8 cases

ohio 1 case

texas 2 cases

you can get additional info. on the swine flu on the cdc website.

praiser :heartbeat

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/swineflu_you.htm has some great info to pass along to your staff.

I'm not freaking out yet.

Yes, they closed down two school districts in Richardson, Tx about 30 miles from me. So far no cases here. We are even screening visitors that answer that they don't feel good after we read a script asking how they're feeling. If they or students are 99.5 or with flu-like symptoms, they must exit the building. If they have the swine infection, they're treated with the antiviral medicince Tamsiflu and can't come back for 7 days and until cleared by the physician. We are taking a daily tally of flu and absence information to the head nurse. We sent letters home and to teachers with a message from the Dallas County Health Dept.

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