Swine Flu and Emergency Nursing

Nurses COVID


Ok... i can already tell this is going to be a huge pain...

i understand what the virus is about...crazy form of the flu... first noticed in 1976... thank god it really doesn't have anything to do w/ pork.... ham is delicious!!!

We had quite a few ppl in my ER today and it is progressing that think they have this *swine flu*

I am not saying it is not a very serious strain of influenza... type a an c i think... but we don't need every person w/ the sniffels rolling up in triage thinking they are gonna die!

had an ambulance pt come into my er today...38 y/o male saying he had the swine flu....

woke up with a slight headache.... afebrile... vswnl...no contact with anyone that had been diagnosed... never even been out of this state..

I am afraid that people are gonna blow this way out of where it needs to be...

We, as health care professionals need to take it seriously.. but.... on the other hand... some people think they are sick when they are not...

If.. for any reason... you are scared and think you can't work around it... then don't.... you don't need to be in the medical field.. especially the ER...

As for the real ER ppl....

keep up the good work... I know you are not scared.... we will fix this..... we work the frontline...

*stompin out disease and saving lives!!*

thats what we do....


Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.
Hello everyone. I'm not worried about this swine flu at all, I beleive it's nothing but Mass Hysteria right now. I dont beleive in running to the ER everytime my kids or I have the sniffles or a low grade fever. BUT just in case, what kind of stuff should have at home for just in case? OTC meds? And when would be a good time to see a doctor if things get bad? The only thing that worries me is that what if me or one of my kids get hurt (broken bone, stitches ect)and need to go the ER or an urgent care or even our normal doctor's office and end up waiting forever because everyone and their dog is there cause they have a headache and a runny nose and think they're dying. A friend even told me how her dr's office has a 72 hour call back waiting time cause everyone keeps calling cause of this swine flu. But like I said, I'm not stressing it at all, but just to be resposible for my kids, what should I have at home just in case? also my kids are 7 and 9 years old so if they get sick, they should be able to fight it unlike a very small child?? Sorry for all the questions because truthfully I have no momeory of ever getting the flu and my kids have never had the flu either, so I have no experience with it so I have no idea what kind of meds I should have at home just in case, I'm thinking motrin and tylenol are a must, but anything else??


The things to keep at home, so you won't need to go to a crowded grocery store later, is juices and soups (homemade chicken is best and cheapest) you and your children like, enough food for the next 2 weeks, and tissues. You should have sufficient soap for handwashing frequently, and hand lotion for the consequences of that (chapped hands). Rent some movies for the kids in case schools are closed..... If you have pets, be sure to have enough food and if they take it normally, medicine for them.

If you or your children develop symptoms of flu (sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, profound fatigue), give them tylenol rather than motrin (which has ibuprophen) in the dosage recommended on the container for their age and do the same if needed, for yourself. Call your doctor(s) as early as possible, because fewer people will be at their offices than at a hospital's ER, and be sure to leave a message describing the symptoms. Tamiflu is effective treatment and has been distributed widely; and will be available at your doctor's office or hospital, as well as other antiviral medication.

Early treatment is important. If this happens at night, call the ER at the hospital where your doctor(s) are on staff, to ask how crowded it is, and prepare them for the arrival of more flu patients. They'll have face masks, if they're needed. Be sure if you get them, to mold the borders close to your face and bridge of noses, so air can't escape through gaps.

Meanwhile, realize that even in the worst of situations in the past many people didn't become ill. As the role model for your children, being calm will be important for them and their future families. :up:

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