suzanne can you tells us about your internation experience


Specializes in icu.

suzanne you seem to have worked in other countries. can you tell us which ones and what was your favorite and you least favorite? did you work in africa and what did you think of that?

I have lived and worked in SE Asia, have traveled extensively all over Europe and SE Asia, but as I have replied to several of your earlier posts, I have never travelled to Africa.

Working as a nurse in any foreign country requires that you have an RN license for immigration purposes, if you are going to work as a nurse.

Not sure what else that you want me to tell you.

Specializes in ER.

I have experience in Africa and Asia working for an International organisation; Just pm and I'll be happy to elaborate on my experiences.


Specializes in icu.

did you 2 work in rural areas or big city hospitals? what do you 2 like about working in international places? what made you choose se asia or africa? what would you 2 say are the pros and cons of working in se asia or africa?

I did not work as a nurse in a hospital when I was in SE Asia. It is extremely hard to do as you need to pass their licensing boards in the laguage of the country. And salaries for one month there are less than one day here.

I fell in love with the area long before I moved over there.

Specializes in icu.

so geena what was it like being a nurse in africa? what part of africa were you in? what were the living conditions like? what were the pros and cons? are you glad you did it?

Specializes in ER.

hsieh, I have replied to you in pm. Geena:)

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