Supposed to register for classes tomorrow... BUT they are already FULL!!!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am so upset... the classes I want to register for are already full!!!!

I know I could show up to class on the day of the class and request to be added, but I have never had to do this before...

Has a professor ever turned anyone away if they request to add after the class has been filled? I already have all my Gen Ed classes done, and everything else I need except nursing pre-reqs... and I have to take them in a certain order (due to being pre-reqs themselves for other classes)... ugh.

I am kinda down because class doesn't start until January... so I have to wait for two more months before I can even find out if I can get into the classes... I am bummed out!!!

Anyone else had this happen to them?? What was your situation?

Hi Tami Lee

Your fellow Sierra classmate here, I just wanted to add it makes a difference what class you are trying to add. If it's a lab science they will only add so many because of the size limitations in the labs. For instance I took Chem 2A this semester and there were probably 20 or so students on the first day wanting to add, she only added like 5 or 6 cause there wasn't room in the lab. However, the ones she added were the ones that came back on the second class meeting, so be persistant! Good luck.

If you have any college credits from another college, transfer them to get a higher registration priority.

Good luck!

Yeah I thought of that already. I have over 80 credits (I have an associate degree already)... and althought they accept my credits, it doesn't help me. In order to advance my slot to register, I have to take THEIR classes... it stinks...

SO I am sitting here just twiddling my thumbs.

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