Supervisors FB Friends with Staff?

Nurses General Nursing


Thoughts? Seems like a clear boundary issue...shouldn't a supervisor "defriend" subordinates?

Only a matter of time:)

FB friends with a supervisor ONLY if you use your FB for business purposes and keep it professional. Otherwise, why risk it?

Overheard a staff RN talking about the party at her place over the weekend, how she didn't think she could drink THAT MUCH BEER and still get up and come to work; and how she was there, but she was gonna need a lot of caffeine and a good three hours to be functional. HAHA!! :cool: Little did she know, the charge had walked in behind us. Can you say AWKWARD! :eek: Same with students in the break room talking about weekend festivities, making FB posts, so engrossed in FB and texting they did not realize a supervisor had come in and is listening to their chit-chat. As Homer would say, "D'oh! :idea:

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
Many people don't realize it, but FB is getting to be a setting that needs to be as squeaky clean and polished as a resume. It may be considered "social" media to many who wish re remain dumb, but it is anything but. It has literally become a public access facade to who we are, not just as people but us as professionals too.

Here's what you need to do; have a professional FB account. One that is absolutely beyond reproach, both politically and professionally. Then open up another FB account with a pseudonym in which only your closest friends and family know about. That way, you keep your personal and professional lives completely separate.

It really depends on the person. I have always been the type that I don't care what someone does outside of work as long as it isn't illegal, immoral;), involve hurting animals or children or my family. Whatever trips your trigger! just DO YOUR JOB! But......We all know the "friendly" supervisor who is a "company man" all the way and uses being friendly as a ruse to get the inside track. I personally agree that everyone need to be cautious of what is on facebook or any other internet posting.........they ALL can come back to haunt you.

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