Published May 15, 2005
4 Posts
I would greatly appreciate any documention confirming that only licensed RN's can evaluate and supervise other RN's. Any input will help resolve a long term problem in our faciltiy, thank you!!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
There are facilities and hospitals where the mananger or director isn't an RN and they are the one in charge. I know of units where LPNs are the unit manager. It depends on what the specifics of your facility are............
I am afraid that you are not going to find what you are looking for.
No thisis a vascular tech that has been there a long time > 20 years doing evals and supervising young RN's. Tech's title is Lead tech, not an upper level management position?
There are facilities and hospitals where the mananger or director isn't an RN and they are the one in charge. I know of units where LPNs are the unit manager. It depends on what the specifics of your facility are............I am afraid that you are not going to find what you are looking for.
If it has been an accepted practice there by administration, what do you not like of it? They are in a lead tech position, and therefore usually in the rooms quite a bit, they also usually know more of what is going on. As you say they are the one doing the training, so why shouldn't they be evaluating?
Is this the only eval that the RN is getting?
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
I dont know where you are, but most states require written job descriptions to be held in personel. I would think your employer would have written job descriptions for every position they have in their facility. Ask in personel to see them, there isnt any reason they shouldnt show you. If not, inquire at your states labor relation board as to any regulations they may have regarding job descriptions for employers. Actually, there should be a very large poster somewhere in the facility that outlines the labor relations guidelines and such regarding discrimination, working hours and how to contact. Unless my state is the only one that requires that be posted at the employment site. We have one posted near every time clock, usually on a faculty/staff bulliten board or something.