Published Feb 9
Joe NightingMale, MSN, RN
1,607 Posts
Tweety glad the garage repair is going well
Stars I hope your knee eases up and no lasting pain from that fall
Ado hope the hospice recertification goes as planned
Did bake the blueberry pie yesterday morning, was about as much work as I expected. I think in the future I'll try cakes, I think they'll be easier to freeze than pies, which are messy to slice up and freeze
Rest of the day was pretty ordinary. Ran some errands, had lunch with dad, and exercised. Skipped Svengoolie and watched The Court Jester with Danny Kaye instead. Have always liked Danny Kaye, and have always liked those movies from the early/mid 50s. They seem very rich in terms of the music, costumes, sets, an cinematography, especially the musicals
Today will not have church as I'll be going a coffee event with the over 50 group. Will do meal prep before then, which will be easy as this week I'll just be making bean and corn salsa, no cooking require
Will be about 30 again today. Snowed a little last night, hopefully there was no freezing rain. No snow expected today
No Stars In My Eyes
5,402 Posts
I can't believe it is already the 9th of February! Here we are at 76 degrees! It isn't time for, and I'm not ready for, Summer! When will we have Spring? It will prolly snow on April Fool's Day.
SiL called and said she was coming over to give Nannie a shower and do her hair and get her dressed. I took that time to rush out to the Food Lion and grab groceries we were out of, but SiL was faster getting Nannie taken care of than I was at rushing around the grocery store. Oh well. But I did save about $11.39 at Food Lion, so that's good!
I have to get up early tomorrow to get Nannie ready for BiL to pick her up around 8:30 AM, to drive her to the daycare. Then I am 'off-duty' until I have to go pick her up by 4:30 PM. SiL also said something about taking Nannie to her house, but I don't know which day, because she also said something about having help getting hamburgers ready for the Superbowl Party, whenever that is (or was). Can you tell I don't follow any sports games?
Nannie is alternately closing her eyes and resting her head back, then she opens her eyes and fiddles with what she is sitting on. I don't THINK it is a chux, but if it isn't, maybe it's because SiL didn't see the few underpads in the bottom of the bathroom closet. (I got another package when I was out.) She is also straightening out her pant-legs and where her top jersey rests on her stomach. I haven't got the heart to tell her....well, she also won't understand if I tell her....your clothes can be straight and smooth as can be, UNTIL YOU SIT DOWN. Maybe we should have done a heavy-duty starching on her after her shower? Then, no wrinkled clothing! But a very smoooove Nannie!
Two hours until sunset, and then 4-ish more hours until she goes to bed. Last night I was ready to turn in before 9 PM. I was sore and achey, and my eyes were tired and itchy. I asked her at that time if she was ready to go to bed and she gave me a resounding NO. So, I told her I would leave the TV and the lights on, and later come down to turn everything off. She was still up at 11:30 PM, so when I came down, I told her it was time for her to get into bed whether she wanted to or not. She STILL did not want to get into PJ's, so I said, Fine, we would just take off her shoes and she could get in bed ...AS IS! At that point I did not care one single whit; I just needed to get back up to MY bed!
All for now, as best as I can tell 🙃. (I still miss the little waving emoji.)
So I went in Nannie's bedroom to pull down the sheet and blankets, prior to her getting in.....well. I have said lots of bad, BAD, BAD cuss words.... She had made the bed this morning and then sat down on it with her wet bottoms and it all soaked through. I thought perhaps SiL MIGHT have checked it, but she didn't; I promise I am going to tell her that she needs to at least pull the bedding down from now on, and it might clue me in whether I can just remake the bed or have to rewash everything. I know the laundry is my task, but finding the wet bedding just before Nannie goes to bed is NOT at all helpful, and I am in what you would GENTLY refer to as a SNIT!
So, since Nannie doesn't have two sets of sheets and blankets which I could remake the bed with, I have stuck the wet ones in the dryer and once the urine is dried, I will remake the dern bed, and if it smells, tough luck. I am going to tell SiL to go out and purchase a second set of sheets and a second blanket, because THIS really P&%*&*s me off in a big way.
I tell Nannie EVERY NIGHT, "do NOT make your bed in the mornings, PLEASE!"
I will have to write MYSELF a note to check the bedding every AM as soon as I come downstairs!
Boy oh boy am I ever ripped, as in MAD, not 'buff'.
Here is my usual string of cuss-words: ___-____-______-_______-_______-___-__-_-_____!!
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,593 Posts
Hello all!
No Stars, it sounds like you can tell Nannie 'don't make your bed in the morning!' 'til the cows come home, and she won't remember, yes? Good on you, though, for being consistent. And yes, I'd have been ticked off to find the bed still wet when it was time for her to go to bed (and that late at night)!! YES, need another set of sheets and a blanket!! Good savings at the Food Lion. I hope you do something nice for YOU, when Nannie is in day care! (I almost typed 'day dare,' which it may be some days, yanno...)
Joe, yes, pies are more complicated than cakes to make, and I agree, they are more challenging to slice and freeze, compared with a cake. My dh would LOVE a blueberry pie. I don't care as much for blueberries, so when I bake a pie I make the Fruit-of-the-Forest, with multiple fruits and berries.
I made low-carb pizza last night, it turned out good! I have leftover ingredients, so may make another one tonight. Topped it with mushrooms, olives, bell peppers, and red onions. Cheese, of course! An Italian blend of cheeses. Crust was 1 cup mozzarella, 1/2 cup parmesan, 1 egg, and a sprinkle of onion powder. Mix and spread on parchment paper on a cookie sheet, and bake till edges brown. Then I spread sauce on it, and layered the toppings and cheese, then baked till it was bubbly.
Toby cat (he is probably 13+), our Manx cat with hyperthyroid disease (for which he gets thyroid-suppressing meds daily), is not himself today. Dh and I are keeping an eye on him. I wish we knew what was going on. He is just lethargic. Although, this afternoon as I was making Chicken Tomatillo Soup, he came out as usual to beg for the chicken juice from the canned chicken I use for the soup. Then he drank some water. I am a little encouraged. I mean, we know he is an old man, with pre-existing health issues, but we kinda hoped he would be around for awhile longer. We'll see.
It was probably 74 degrees when I went to the store for a few things -- much warmer than I expected. Rain and temps in the mid-50's forecast for Wed-Fri. It's nice to get SOME Winter! The last "storm" we had, Thurs and Fri, was quite warm -- apparently from the Pacific. This one is supposed to be coming down from Alaska, so temps will be lower.
Yesterday we had a nice lunch and chat with oldest ds. Had pho (Vietnamese soup). Dh ordered sandwiches (bahn mi) to go. I had an avocado smoothie, it was YUM!! Dh had his usual mango smoothie.
Have a good evening!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,812 Posts
Worked and overtime shift that I had arranged and we had two RNs call out and a PCT no-call no show. Ordered take-out Chinese.
The guy that used to be my next door neighbor that I went to his house for Thanksgiving lost his partner yesterday. They weren't married but had been together about four years. It's sad because my neighbor also lost his husband of over 30 years to cancer about 5 years ago.
Off for a couple of days. It's still warm here. My air conditioner is on to cool off before bed.