Published Dec 15, 2024
Joe NightingMale, MSN, RN
1,547 Posts
Stars hoping it's another quiet day there
NJ22 in the past I've made gingersnaps ,are those similar to ginger cookies?
Tweety sounds like a good day
Ado that cake sounds good
Did bird watching yesterday morning, was cold and didn't really see much. Then took dad out to lunch for a belated birthday celebration. Rest of the day was pretty quiet
Today will be having a morning meeting for coffee with the over 50 group, so will be skipping church this morning. Will do the cooking once I get home. May try more bird watching this morning
Going to be fairly warm I think, in the middle or upper 40s
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,537 Posts
Hello all!
Sounds like a nice day yesterday, Joe. Good the temperatures have "warmed up" to the 40's! I am chilled at 55 degrees, LOL!
Yesterday was our music program. We were at the end of the program, after a family band and a group of (formerly living in Africa) a capella singers (who were GREAT!!), and a woman reading a Christmas story. We did five songs: Joy to the World (our bass player led on that one), Mary's Boy Child (recorded by Harry Belafonte in 1956), The Friendly Beasts (originated in France in the 12th century, also called the Donkey's Carol or Hail to the *** --- used formerly in a celebration of the donkey who carried Mary into Bethlehem for Christ's birth), Go Tell It On the Mountain (spiritual), and our version of For Unto Us A Child Is Born, with bluegrass instruments (dh LOVED doing this one, with banjo and fiddle taking the lead! I sang it through (amended version) the first time, then the other instruments each played it through; lots of fun!)
When we got home, dh fed the cats and I rested a little. Then HE rested for 45 min or so, and we left for a Christmas jam with the bluegrass association, about 40 min away. We arrived at 4:30, left at 9:30! Played most of that time (when we weren't chatting, that is), in two jam groups. It was fun, and I really enjoyed just playing in the background, and singing harmony when I could. Dh played his mandolin then switched to banjo, then back to mandolin. It was good to see friends and play with them.
Today we are taking oldest ds out for pho soup, and then in the evening we bought tickets to attend a Currier and Ives event at Oak Glen, presented by our friends who run the apple ranch there. In a large packing house area, they provide a dinner, live Christmas music (dressed in Dickens-time garb), community caroling, and then end with a "cotillion dance," with everyone participating. Well, we are NOT dancers, so we will enjoy watching! Dh and I will likely dress appropriately (I think I can make up a suitable combination).
Tomorrow we relax!!
I hope and pray for you, for improvement for anxieties and situations that are troublesome for you, and for lifting of spirits that are low.
No Stars In My Eyes
5,270 Posts
Welp, I will have to take Nannie out this afternoon to stop by Urgent Care to have a TB test done. ($45 out-of-pocket) It is required before Nannie goes to the daycare tomorrow for a 4 hour assessment....I guess they check all her paperwork and then see how she does in the group of daycare seniors that they have there. Tomorrow I will follow SiL to this new place and then I pick Nannie up around 5 PM. (w00t?)
Guess we better just go ahead and get this over with. I also have to stop at the grocery store because, as usual, we are running short on drinks.
I am SO VERY Eerie-Table! ☹️😖😠
I took her to the Urgent Care for the TB test and we had to wait 45 minutes for that. Then I had to go to Food Lion, and left her in the (heated) car. Then we came home.
Nannie is talking in her very soft back-of-the-throat sorta-soprano voice. When we got back home, I put a 1/2 cup of coffee down beside her and said I thought it would help her warm up. (It is very edgy and cold outside) She asked, "What do you want me to do with this?" I told her... If you want to drink it, drink it; if you don't, just leave the cup on the table and I'll take it in a minute. Then she 'drank' from the coffee cup after it was empty..... THREE TIMES! I told her to just put the cup on the table beside her and I'd take it up to the sink in a minute. So she started to scoot herself out over the footrest, I guess on her way to the kitchen. I said "No. Just put the cup down on the table." And I got 3-4 sentences of her peeping voice, lengthy, un-needed explanations. If she would only E-NUN-CEE-ATE !!
When I told her she wasn't speaking clearly, she shut her mouth and wouldn't repeat what she said. And when I do happen to understand a few (very few) words, I ask what she is trying to tell me. She points to outdoors, then points over toward her bedroom/bathroom, then picked at the edge of her shoulder wrap. So to make it SIMPLE for her: "You are not going outside again, we just got back." That wasn't it, so I said, "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" and I get a long string of indecipherable words, then I say, "You just have to tell me 'yes' or 'no'." (Yes.) So I took her to the bathroom. And I asked her if she wanted to leave her shoulder-wrap on or take it off? I got another stream of words that were not distinguishable one from the other. I said, "Please just tell me 'yes' or 'no', you want it to stay on? (No) Then she asked me if 'they' were going to feed her. THAT sentence I understood. I asked her if she is hungry NOW or can she wait a little while, like maybe 30 minutes. Got another lengthy string of words....three sentences-worth, the upshot of which was "What's going to happen in 30 minutes?" So I said, "Do you want to eat now?" (Yes.) Okay. I took her empty cup up to the kitchen and nuked her a Creamy Chicken and Mushroom with mixed vegetables bowl, gave her that and the bowl of fruit, a cookie, her pills and her drink. She scarfed it down like she hadn't eaten in a week, and I told her to sloooow down, but she didn't, so she got choked. 🙄 Sat her up and had her cough real hard a few times, but there wasn't anything there. Good!
Earlier, after I got Nannie in the house, and my groceries unloaded, I took Momo, as I usually do, out with me to the car, to pull it back around under the car port. She kept trying to climb up higher and higher on my shoulder and I couldn't hold on to her, and down she went, landing on her right side. I felt terrible she had dropped down from such a height (about 5 feet+); she usually isn't that squirmy, and if I say "Easy," she will calm down, but not this time! After I retrieved her from the ground, I felt her all over and so far she doesn't seem to have any injuries that I can tell. So that fall she took was another thing that upset me, too.
In ten minutes it'll either be NEWS on TV, or another football or basketball game, and since we don't watch sports any more, if there are only games playing, that means no newscasts, so it will be back to HGTV. There are some times on those House-Hunters show when one of the spouses is cranky, it makes ME cranky! Half of them, if I was one of the two people being shown houses, I would recommend a divorce instead of trying to figure out which house to take.
I suppose 1/2 Xanax might help me. It would help me a lot more if the Nannie-person would HUSH.
So those are today's complaints. Wouldn't it be lovely if I had an entire day in a GOOD mood? I think so! Hoping that Nannie is accepted at that daycare place, even if it means I have to go out and pick her back up when the sun is down and the rush hour is in full swing. It's a trade-off, for sure.
No Stars, so glad Momo is OK after that tumble. Wonder why she didn't settle, you had her with you... Silly girl. Sorry Nannie is being such a pill. Will see how tomorrow goes, at the Nannie Day Care! I hope it works out to be a good thing for all.
We had a nice lunch of Vietnamese Pho soup, and a nice chat with oldest ds. We decided we will take him there on Christmas Day too(yes they are open then).
During lunch we received a text from our bass player asking if we were available to maybe help with him, doing music at a church soup potluck. We rearranged our Sunday outing to NEXT Sunday, and texted him that yes, we were available! Didn't hear back from him for prolly two hours, then he finally texted back with an apology: he'd had the ringer on the phone turned off for church, and forgot to turn it back on. So had missed the text! And by now, he was doing something else, so we are "released!" <grin> So, we are free tonight! So far I have laundry cogitating in the washer, and I need to change the sheets and towels. And probably do a second load of laundry (of sheets and towels!).
Have a good evening!
Ado Annie, ASN, RN
1,233 Posts
We went to church and the rest of my day has involved baking again. And a couple of meals. I need to get some items wrapped to take to the hospital for the "angel tree." And get things ready to mail to Indiana. The teenagers get 💸 because who knows what they want. But I have some fun items for the little girls.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,513 Posts
Good evening.
Started out very mindful this morning, very demure. Should have known it was going to be a crappy day at work. LOL"Demure" means "reserved%2C,using it in early August.