summer internship vs. summer travel

Nurses General Nursing


soo... i'm ending school next june (yes its quite a stretch) and am contemplating between two options which have to be decided very soon.

1) attend an intership/externship before i start working or

2) make plans to travel europe with my boyfriend and friends

i recently heard that some hospitals hire you several months before you graduate which would make my internship completly pointless since i could be working at that time. in the meantime, people are gathering information to make plans for a trip to europe (10days) in the summer.

ofcourse, my future career is way more important to me than going to europe but i was wondering if my desired intership is even necessary...


:up: :down:

If you are in the fortunate position to afford a trip to Europe(and I am assuming this is something you have saved the money for or this is a graduation present) then enjoy your travels.

I'm in the "check out the local job market before making any final decisions" group. In some areas, new grads have a hard time landing their first positions. I've heard of new grads applying for months and getting no offers and then having to compete with fresh new grads as another class graduates. In other areas, it's not a problem. And even if it might be a big risk, it still may be worth it to you to take the trip. But with more information, you'll have a better idea of the pros and cons you need to weigh in your decision making.

Your own comfort level with new things and transitions and your own career goals can count in this as well. A poster above noted how they felt that their extra experiences really helped them figure out what direction in nursing to head and helped make the transition from student to professional a bit smoother. Others don't seem to mind just jumping in and making it work. Others have a clear direction from day one and know what steps they want to take and so aren't concerned with sorting out options.

Many facilities have distinct hiring and training periods for new grads. Find out if the places you want to work do this. It might work out that that new grad training period doesn't start til after you'd return from the trip. Won't know til you ask!

You could also take the risk of booking the trip, let prospective employers know your plans and hope that they'll work around it. Maybe splurge on an exchangeable ticket - just in case you get a great offer you don't want to pass up that can't accomodate your travel plans. Talk with your friends about what it would mean if something came up and you couldn't make it.

Specializes in acute care.

I think you should do what is right for you. I had a friend who took a month off after she graduated to just relax before deciding what her next step would be. That was best for her.

I've read posts on this site about areas where new grads are having trouble finding jobs. I plan to start out in the NICU and I have my eye on a particular hospital so I, personally, do not plan on leaving the country or even the state until I get hired at a facility.

A friend of mine, an RN, takes a trip with her boyfriend once a year. Another friend of mine, also an RN, is planning a trip to Paris. After I get settled in my first job, we will plan a trip together. However, after I graduate I plan to focus on getting a new grad position.

Enjoy your trip! (If you decide to go)

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