Suggestions Please..Excelsior General Ed. Courses.

Nursing Students Online Learning


:yeah: Wow..i checked my transcript status yesterday and their was a message saying it would be another couple of weeks before i got my review. Well i just checked my email and my review was done. These are the classes I still need.

Info Lit


Humanities Core



Sciences Supportive of Nursing Course

Life Span Psych. *which i am taking at a local college now*

Plus all Nursing Courses of course.

Any suggestions for the Gen. ed Humanities and Science Support of Nursing.

Excited and ready to get started. Any suggestions would be appreciated.:)

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

If you take the EC A&P and Micro, the number of credits should satisfy that "sciences supportive of nursing" course. Micro is 3 credits and A&P is 6, for a total of 9 credits. When I had my eval done, I needed 4 credits in A&P, 2 credits in Micro, and 2 in the "sciences supportive" category. Between EC's A&P and Micro exams, I covered that nicely with one credit to spare. :)

Thanx LunahRN for the advice. I am so excited to get started. My employer has also comfirmed that they will help with the cost of this schooling since it is accredited and my parents are willing to help with the cost as well, so i dont have to go back to work full time..

Specializes in Cardiac SDU.

OSUFAN1 - I just got my review back yesterday and have basically the exact same classes to take. Have you started yet? I'm planning on taking the Humanities,

Humanities Core, Info Lit, and Life Span at my local community college (online if they have any openings spring and summer semester). I'm going to try and take my A&P and Micro with excelsior just because I don't have time for the classes and labs. What are you planning to take (or what have you already taken) with excelsior)

I would recommend taking A&P and Micro at your local community college. Some colleges may not accept an online science courses since you don't have the lab component.

OSUFAN1 - I just got my review back yesterday and have basically the exact same classes to take. Have you started yet? I'm planning on taking the Humanities,

Humanities Core, Info Lit, and Life Span at my local community college (online if they have any openings spring and summer semester). I'm going to try and take my A&P and Micro with excelsior just because I don't have time for the classes and labs. What are you planning to take (or what have you already taken) with excelsior)

I have not taken any classes thru EC yet..not going to start til January...I am just finishing up my Lifespan to Psych class at my local college..I think I am going to clep Analyzing and Interpreting Lit for Humanites credits..I am not sure about A&P and Micro..I checked out a couple sites for those classes that break it up into sections..(Edukan and BYU) they cost a little more but I worry about taking one big test on those subjects. Good luck to ya!!

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