suggested reading for lpn student


I start LPN school in 10 weeks. Should I read up on medical terminology or anatomy? Any titles you could help me with would be appreciated. I have never worked in health care and don't want to feel stupid in the class with CNA's and other students who have already been exposed to things in the field.:uhoh3:

Specializes in Hospice, ER.

Lippencotts Straight A's series is a good set of books to have. Otherwise, don't sweat it. CNAs do well in clinicals, but may be equal to you in book knowledge.

Medical terminology is a good place to start. But don't stress out before you start.

I start LPN school in 10 weeks. Should I read up on medical terminology or anatomy? Any titles you could help me with would be appreciated. I have never worked in health care and don't want to feel stupid in the class with CNA's and other students who have already been exposed to things in the field.:uhoh3:

I am about 2 months into my lpn program, and the biggest thing I've had trouble with is the tests, I don't know if every place does it, but my program writes their tests in an nclex format, so i bought a book on how to take the nclex test, and it has helped. some of the others have a "test taking strategies for nursing school" book. and they said it's great too. Just a suggestion to help learn how to test well.

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