Published Jan 26, 2006
195 Posts
We learned in class to suction a pt with pneumonia through the nasotracheal route....I am wondering why it was not advised to suction through the orotracheal route? Any ideas?
Thanks all:)
762 Posts
What is the first thing you are going to do if someone sticks a tube in your mouth?
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
i've always preferred the orotrach route and haven't had a problem w/pts.
w/the nasotrach route, it's more invasive and sometimes the tubing can curl through the mouth anyway.
but if a pt is going to be non-compliant w/the orotrach route then you need to do the nasotrach. you can encounter resistance either route.
648 Posts
I have been told by some nurses and respiratory therapists that when you go through the mouth it can increase the chance of infection because of the microorganisms in the mouth.
I personally like to go the oral route. Suctioning is bad enough, going through the nose adds more pain to the mix.
It has been such a long time since I have researched this and we dont do this where I work now(there is not a need). I am pretty sure increasing risk of infection was the reason, although I am thinking in the back of my head there was a study that said this didnt cause an increase--wow imagine that.