Published Jun 18, 2010
200 Posts
I thought I might be ready for a change after 14 years at the bedside. I've worked Pediatrics for 9 out those years and have a BSN and a Certification in pediatric nursing. At some point in those 14 years I've worked in every department of a hospital except L&D. Worked traumas as a PACU nurse in a level II trauma center. Worked ER in the same level II trauma center. Soooo I thought school nursing and applied. Passed the interview with the Director of Nursing with flying colors but then when I got interviewed by the principal I was told I have too much experience and they were really impressed but did not hire me. Huh? Only thing I can think is it is a union and they would have to start me at the top of the pay scale, that does not look good in a budget. So new BSN grads look at school nursing.
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
It's all about the $$$$.
326 Posts
I've heard conversations among managers about hiring an experienced nurse like you. The main concerns are: money, the RN being stuck in her ways or feeling superior though she is moving to a completely different aspect of nursing, and the fear that the RN will be bored with the new job.
87 Posts
It is a double edged sword- either not enough or too much experience. With your level of experience you would do a fantastic job, obviously!! Vut you are worth more than they can/want to pay. And they know that. And then you may leave.. or run circles of wisdom around them.
What about the grown-up kids.. teaching clinicals? lol
good luck... you are worth some big bucks, and you will get them one day.. in an even better position :)!
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
Go to a non-union magnet hospital. Ours likes experience--they beg for it.
Good luck!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
could be they were looking for longevity. If you get bored with this job due to your level of experience then you will start looking for another which means they have to start interviewing again.
I agree with all of you! Very likely would have been bored as a school nurse, and they sensed it. I would have to be started at the highest pay, where to take me from there? I was just looking at my options but it surprised me to be told I have too much experience. I still like bedside nursing and caring for my patients but I can feel the burn coming on. Its all getting pretty routine, time to look to other challenges.