Published Aug 9, 2005
tx2007, RN
277 Posts
ti Ok I have what is proballya stupid question I want to know if you get your ADN and then want to go back to school and get your BSN, do you retake the NCLEX after graduating from the BSN if you already passed it in your ADN???? I know they are the SAME NCLEX but I didnt know if since you got a different degree would you have to retake it??? Ok I know its dumb
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Not a dumb question . . . . and I am laughing here because I really don't know the answer.
It seems to me that you would not take it over.
steph :)
294 Posts
You only have to take the NCLEX once. Thank GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Absolutely not a dumb question. I was unsure of it either.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
No, not a dumb question. It is THE question that strikes fear in the hearts of many nurses pursuing another degree.
You do NOT have to take the NCLEX again.
Now, if you WANT to...........
No, not a dumb question. It is THE question that strikes fear in the hearts of many nurses pursuing another degree.You do NOT have to take the NCLEX again.Now, if you WANT to........... :D
Now, if you WANT to........... :D
Thank goodness then :)
335 Posts
now, if you want to...........
what kind of a glutton for punishment would you have to be for that to happen???? lol :rotfl: :rotfl:
my thoughts exactly thank god!!!!!
My thoughts EXACTLY thank GOD!!!!!
well, right now i cannot think of a reason, but, i can find out for some of ya'll who want to try it again. kinda like sat's..........make higher everytime you take it? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: