Studying for CCRN. Argh!


Wow. I'm overwhelmed. There is sooo much. It doesn't help that I work in a rather low tech open hearts, no balloon pumps, only diagnostic cardiac caths, rarely a Swan-Ganz.

I've always been a straight-A, 4.0 student. That's what I'm used to. I get A's.

Well....I've been taking the practice CCRN test on disk as well as other critical care related "quizzes" on CD. ACK! 74% to 86% have been my ranges. I've NEVER scored so low on anything in my life!! I'm really getting depressed!

I'm taking a two-day CCRN review course this week. I'm really counting on it to help gear me up and get me going in the right direction.

Does anyone know what % is required to pass the CCRN? My goal is to take it in June so I've got time to prepare (I think!!)

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.

Thanks y'all. :D

Been studying most of morning. Gonna take a break now and bake some peanut butter cookies. Then I'll probably eat them all. ;)

My unit rarely uses hemodynamic monitoring so I'm working extra hard on that stuff. Ya know, shock states and expected hemodynamic parameters, etc.

Originally posted by UntamedSpirit

I have the Laura Gasparis review book and so far I am not batting a very good Makes me wonder if I know what I think to begin with .....:eek: :roll :eek:

I missed a lot the first time I went through the questions too. Thinking about the rationale given for why answers are wrong helped a lot. I came out of the test worried about not passing. My score was actually very high. I had remembered each time I guessed.

In real life guessing is not OK. You also have fellow nurses, MDs. RTs, and all the brains working together.

Call 1-800-331-6534 9am-3pm EST Monday-Thursday

Critical Care Examination Review by Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio, RN, PhD, CEN-Joanne Noone, RN, MSN,


Glad I can't smell those cookies baking! Too easy to over eat fresh home baked goodies.

Specializes in Hospice, Critical Care.

I don't have her books and don't have enough time now to get them. I have listened to the tapes repeatedly, however. And taken the PASS CCRN tests repeatedly. Just did abominably on one them, *sigh*. However, got 95% on neuro--who'd have thunk it?! And 94% on respiratory (expected 100%, lol). More studying on cardiovascular needed though. GEEEEEZ, I wish our unit did more of that stuff.

Time for more cookies.

Specializes in CV-ICU.

Zee, when is the test? I'm too lazy today to read back. I think you will do okay if you remember to use your head. Sunnybrook had some excellent advise.

Just wanted to wish you luck with your studying. I think this question was originally posted a while back, so it must be soon that you are taking the CCRN exam.... good luck to you. Keep us posted on how it is going.

I have bought a boook from the AACN for the exam, and looked at some of the questions...... they are quite hard, even the cardiac stuff which I thought would be easy!

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