Published Jul 8, 2006
40 Posts
I am a new grad and am studying for the boards. (ANCC adult). I did very well in school, maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout my entire program, received an academic award at graduation, etc. Went to the Peg Fitzgerald review course and now am preparing to test hopefully by the end of July. The problem is, I feel so unprepared. I feel like I have forgotten so much and don't know what I need to know to pass. I have been doing very poorly on the practice tests and if they are any indication of the real thing, I am in big trouble. Anyone out there in my boat, or who has been there? I'm really struggling here.
And anyone interested in knowing how I picked my screenname, "Imisscoco", we had to put our wonderful Chesapeake Bay Retriever to sleep last year, our 12 year old Coco, and boy do I miss her!
134 Posts
No study advice as I am still an NP student. However, I must comment on the screen name. I thought it represented "Hey I am Ms. Coco!"
But now I know. I am so sorry to hear about your pet. Dogs are everything in the world to me, and I had a beloved lab that was put down this time last year. (BoBo)
Anyway, best of luck with your studies. You must have been a great multiple choice test taker in school if you maintained a 4.0. Plus, I think the more we learn, the more we learn how much we really don't know~~which can be discouraging. I believe it is all in there. Don't let stress prevent it from floating to the surface! So what if you do fail. You are this close to the completion of one journey. You are allowed to take the test again!!
Break a leg!! Okay, don't break a leg. Just know how to treat it. balloons:
gauge14iv, MSN, APRN, NP
1,622 Posts
Im taking the aanp exam this week - im nerve wracked. I keep reviewing, but Im so afraid I will forget things I am sure I know just out of sheer nervousness! LOL. I took the Fitzgerald reveiw course too.
I will just be glad when it is over.
5 of my class mates have taken it and passed. I just need to RELAX!
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Good luck, guage14iv!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure you will do just fine.
Can I swim in the cup of coffee too?? LOL
I wish I had scheduled it for last week so it would have been done by now!
Here's ya a cuppa joe, guage ....
It'll be over before you know it.
128 Posts
I took the AANP family exam on 6/23 and have a preliminary pass result.
I think taking the Fitzgerald course really helped! And I listened to CD's too.
Good luck!