Published Oct 4, 2016
2 Posts
Ok so I'm in my first year in the program. As most I was overwhelmed by the workload and the style of testing. I am studying fundamentals like crazy and the grades aren't reflecting the effort. I don't know what or how to study and I'm over studying stuff that isn't even on the test and barely looking at stuff that ends up being on the test. For example we just had an exam over sleep, pain, sensory/cognition, and oxygenation. I spent so much time studying on the main topics from slide shows and that the book points out and then I will get a question about which aromatherapy oil to use for stimulation....which I barely even looked at in the book. So I've had a hard time figuring out what to look really focus on. I'm in a condensed class and obviously can't know it all. I'm thankfully passing the class but we have our final coming up and I'm pretty nervous about it. If anyone has any good study tips or info, I'd really appreciate it!
1 Post
infection rn question
I don't understand your response?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Study smarter, not harder. If your current study methods aren't working for you, it may be that the way you're studying isn't the best way for your learning style. Have you taken a learning styles inventory? That can help you identify what study methods will work best for you. My personal go to learning styles inventory is VARK, but there are many out there that you can use.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
The nursing way of questioning is unlike anything you have had before. Check to see if there are tutors. Use them. Get some NCLEX study books and pay attention to the rationals. My daughter had a stumble of a test or two at first.....she has always been straight A's and she got aa couple of B's. It will all make sense ((HUGS)
7 Posts
Are you given any sort of test blueprint before your exams? I always start there. If not, study guides are your friend. The more nclex style questions that you can get your hands on for those topics the better. Use your online questions for your text if you have access to that as well. You have to study smarter, not harder.
As someone else said you need to know your learning style as well. I am an auditory and kinestetic learner. So for me writing notes in class helps as well as listening to myself read off and answer nclex style questions and the power points in my car or during my bath, or whenever I can. Repetition, repetition, repetition is my friend.
1,035 Posts
The NANDA-I 2015-2017 has a terrific section in the beginning of the book for students learning to think like nurses. GET IT NOW. It will give you a head start on this over your classmates, and save your life.