Published Mar 20, 2009
8 Posts
I am waiting for a date for CPNE and I am trying to organize my resources. I have the EC Study guide, CPNE DVD, flashcards, skills kit, rob's DVD and the documentation and care planning workbooks from clinical prep. I don't know where to start. I took the CPNE online startup conference which didn't help in this area. I have signed up for the careplanning, documentation and skills conference. I will be attending the EC workshop in June. I have these resources but don't know what to do first and how to plan my study schedule. Any suggestions?
38,333 Posts
I would suggest a workshop to get you started. Just attended West Coast Tina's workshop. Great. Well worth the money. She covers everything, gives support and there are plenty of stations to practice. Go to her website at to see about future workshops.
206 Posts
i received this timeline from one of our rue advisors. it may help a little. good luck!
cpne time line
at approx 120 days or 3-4 months prior to your cpne date or what you think will be the month of your cpne date.... you should,
have purchased the skills kit and set up your labs to run through at least 1x/day every day
have purchased the wound and practice packing it at least 1x/day every day
make your hotel arrangements
have looked into or scheduled to take a workshop 2 months prior to your cpne date or 2 months before you think you are going.
have read through the cpne manual and decided how to split it up to make sense to you.
start learning the critical elements for the aoc's and labs. daily
learn how to do all the calculations for the labs and write them out daily
learn the calculations for tube feedings
look up all the procedures and speci collections that are listed in the cpne manual that you could have to do and become familiar with them.
start to dabble in care plans and know the basic parts on how to formulate dx statements, goals and interventions.
have purchased the dx care plan book
approx 60-100 days prior to your cpne date or the month you think you are should
re-read the cpne manual especial the section with the ce for the aoc's and the labs
attend a good workshop
know how to use the care planning book
be able to write care plans the eval phase and do charting with some corrections still needed and be sending 2 or more/week of them to ec or someone qualified to critique and correct them.
know what's included in the 20 minute check
have called ec to set up your weekly phone calls with questions to ask and are doing the phone calls
know all the critical elements for the aoc's and be able to write them
know the critical elements for the labs and how to perform the labs correctly and daily
practice completing at least 3-5 aoc's a day on a dummy or family member
approx 45-60 days prior to your cpne date
take the ec care planning and documentation course if you are not going to a workshop or if you have already taken a workshop and still feel weak in care planning and charting.
or participate in one of the care planning groups that charge a fee per month.
know how to set up a grid
be sending 3-5 care plans, eval phase and documentation/week to ec or qualified person for corrections and getting most back with little or no corrections.
know how to complete all the critical elements for the aoc's and have practiced each of them on their dummy or family member at least 3 or more times each.
be able to complete 3 or more of the labs correctly and within the time limits
approx 30 days prior to your cpne date
read the cpne manual
make travel arrangements
buy your uniforms and shoes
continue to do your labs daily and can do all them within their time limits and accurately.
doing a complete practice pcs with all the over ridding and 3-4 assigned aoc's and completion of the planning, introduction, 20 minute check, implementation and evaluation phases within 2.5 hours on a daily basis on a dummy or family member
be sending 3-5 care plans, eval phase and documentation/week to ec or qualified person for corrections and getting them back with less corrections and more correct ones.
0-15 days prior to your cpne date
read the sections of the cpne manual for the aoc's and labs
daily you should do a complete practice pcs from a scenario and in 2.5 hours or less for all phases
be sending 3-5 care plans, eval phase and documentation/week to ec or qualified person for corrections and getting them back with no corrections
be able to complete all the labs accurately and within the time limits.
and be going nuts because you have cpne in 2 weeks or less.
Raggedy Ann
756 Posts
Thanks so much for the tips! Traci
Thank you Felicia and Caliotter3!
At least you have given me a place to start.
16 Posts
When you have to manage your own progress, a timeline sure helps!!!