Student Nurse Live Journal

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Is anyone keeping an online journal through school? Does anyone have any idea how I can get a Live journal account to start one??

Originally posted by Tigger100S

Is anyone keeping an online journal through school? Does anyone have any idea how I can get a Live journal account to start one??

To get a livejournal, you either have to buy a membership, or have someone who's already a member send you a code. I'd send you one, but if you're not a paying member you only get one code, and I already gave it to a friend.

I think offers free blogging?

I have a blog that's not strictly about nursing or school, but it's at

I'd love if there was a site full of nurses/nursing student blogs to browse through, though! :)

I could always make one, but im knee deep in web projects as it is.

I'd like to see a

or or something like that

Originally posted by agent

I could always make one, but im knee deep in web projects as it is.

I'd like to see a

or or something like that

I don't know enough about web stuff to stick my foot in it, but if you ever have time and have the hankering to try and get one started - let me know and I'll chip any way I can (help with costs for program/domain/etc) :)

I currently run

Pretty much built it myself with the help of another programmer friend of mine.

I'm doing a paid project right now for a friend of mine, but Im sure ill have time over the next year or so..

since i dont start clinicals till fall 04 thatd be fine

Originally posted by agent

I currently run

Pretty much built it myself with the help of another programmer friend of mine.

Yeah, I've seen your site before, but it doesn't run really well on my crappy version of Netscape (like lots of things, UGH) and I rarely get online at home. :)

Seems like a nice site, though I have no idea what it's about? Gaming, I'd think?

Yeah general gaming and the such.

You should try out the new mozilla.. its much better than netscape :)

You can build a page using geocities. That is what I did. It will walk you through the whole process or if you know html code you can use it.

Here is the link to the site I created if you want to read it. I'll probally put up week 2 sometime this weekend.

i'm considering a page with msn. They are easy to create and free! Also, if you create a group, you can get interaction!

Good luck!

Originally posted by agent

Yeah general gaming and the such.

You should try out the new mozilla.. its much better than netscape :)

Thanks for the tip. I'll download it next time I'm home.

I try not to download too much crap here on my work computer, since I'm not really supposed to have internet access anyway (only e-mail). Go figure, someone glitched up and I got it, so I take advantage while the getting's good, so to speak. LOL :)

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