I am a student nurse who qualifies in 2 weeks and at the minute i do not have a job to go to, neither are ther eany jobs advertised for band 5 staff nurses. the trust in which i have done my training ( Mid yorkshire) has just announced that the 340 jobs which it had frozen they are scrapping all together now, so it doesn't look like there is a chance of me getting one in the near future as they are meking people redundent as well. i am just so annoyed that i have spent 3 years doing all of this training and obtaining my BSc and now there are no rewards for it at all. it seams daft to me that they are still training nurses when there are no joobs for them. we have spoken tio university and all they have said is that we should not worry, and that we will get a job some where! but NHS professionals are not even giving out bank contracts at the minute.
is there anybody else in this situation and what have you done about it