Student - Former IT Prof - Exploring Specialties


Hello to all you IT RN's! I am a first semester RN student, and a former IT professional with 7 years experience in the IT world. I also have a BA-Computer Science. I am starting to explore my interests and options after I complete my AD-Nursing degree.

What is the typical starting wage for NI? Would my Associates degree RN and Bachelors in Computer Science qualify me for jobs in NI?

I am working at a small hospital in our community at this time, and have been helping them implement their newly aquired Meditech system to keep my skill set fresh.

Specializes in Informatics, Education, and Oncology.

Greetings Julbug75,

Please read previous posts on this Forum. Those same questions have been asked and answered numerous times related to starting salaries for NI professionals and entry level experience.

Good Luck!

Hi, julbug! Welcome!

Your background will certainly be a great entree into informatics. Be aware, though, that you WILL need to put in a year, minimum, on the floor before getting into such a spot.

I don't know in what kind of area you live, but I am in a very rural village and being an LPN with a strong systems background got me in. I did just complete my RN and am waiting to sit for the boards so, yes, there is opportunity. There are not that many technically-savvy nurses around, and a little time on the floor will open a lot of doors.

I started at $40k, which is bupkis next to what I was earning before my job got outsourced but great money for this area and more than a lot of the experienced RN's here earn. So the money will vary depending upon area.

Good luck to you! And I hope to see you in here. I get lonely.


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