Published Dec 19, 2015
1 Post
Hello everyone, I have a question. If I placed low on the Math placement, have I failed to meet the requirement to place into MTH 151 through placement or can I place into it through the developmental course?
I didn't take the placement yet but I know I'll score low, that's my only weak area. Is it just 1 developmental class or several to get into MTH 151?
Thank you for all responses!!
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Welcome to AN! MTH151 is going to be a class specific to your school. Other schools either may not have the same course or have the same type of course with that number. Your best option is to speak with an advisor at the school for your options. They may be able to direct you to resources to strengthen your math skills prior to taking the placement exam.
636 Posts
I'd work on math so its not an issue
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
If 'MTH 151' is a remedial (a.k.a. developmental) math course, it probably will not count toward any college credit. Depending on the school, if you score extremely low on the placement exam, you might be required to take and pass three or four remedial math courses before you'll be allowed to enroll in a college level math class such as College Algebra or Elementary Statistics.
The community college district that I attended in southern California required all extremely low placement exam scorers to complete a four-course remedial math sequence (MATH 9, MATH 10, MATH 11 and MATH 12) before being allowed to enroll in credit-bearing college level math coursework.
Likewise, the community college system that I attended in Texas required all low scorers to complete a three-step remedial math sequence (PreAlgebra, Elementary Algebra and Intermediate Algebra) before being allowed to enroll in credit-bearing college level math courses.
My advice is to obtain intense tutoring on the math NOW instead of spending four semesters (up to two years) in remedial math courses. Get tutoring NOW and obtain an acceptable score on the math section of the placement exam.
I'm not good at math either so I had to rent Algebra 2 for dummies from the library to practice for the compass test. I wasn't trying to be mean, I just know how it feels to not want to take remedial math class. It helped.
It has a separate workbook. I can't learn from watching Khan or YouTube.
I can't learn from watching Khan or YouTube.
Me, neither. I do not learn by watching videos, presentations, speakers or webinars. In addition, whatever I hear goes through one ear and out the other.
I have to have it broken down step by step and practice a lot of problems.
13 Posts
I'm not good at math either so I had to rent Algebra 2 for dummies from the library to practice for the compass test. I wasn't trying to be mean, I just know how it feels to not want to take remedial math class. It helped. It has a separate workbook. I can't learn from watching Khan or YouTube.
Great idea! Thanks for this. Did this help you pass the COMPASS?
Honestly. Depends on how you look at it. I scored high enough to get into the college and pass remedial classes. I get to take college algebra but I have to take a combo learning support where 1 credit of learning support is thrown in. I think its called 099/1100
I only had about a week to teach myself by time I got the books from the library. So I feel like I did pretty well. I never learned algebra 2 in high school to it was all new.