Struggle with Science classes

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello, I have a question that is rather stupid but is constantly bothering me. I want to be a Nurse so badly but Science and Math have always been my worst subjects. I have a really hard time comprehending Biology, and Chemistry( it's like a foreign language to me). Does that mean I won't be able to become a Nurse? Can I learn this material or is it way out of my league? Am I just living a fantasy of becoming a Nurse since it's all about science and math? This is my biggest fear that I won't be able to pursue my goals and dreams. Any tips on learning these subjects? Any other people pass these classes that have a hard time in them? I know I'm just rambling on lol Fear has always prevented me from fulfilling my dreams. I'm trying to get over this.

Hum, maybe just take one class at a time, so you don't get overwhelmed till you get the hang of it?

-Maybe shadow a nurse for the day?

-Join a study group

-Use flash cards

-Pre-read chapters ahead of time

-Take good notes and re-write them after class

-Use a tape recorder for letures

-Block out study times

-A tutor/free at the college

-Eat well

-Get enough sleep

-Time manage each day...

-Hang out with positive students that want to succeed in the class.

Hint: I had never taken Chem in high school and I thought I was going to fail this class... It was a huge fear of mine. I told the instructor and he had me move to the front of the class and sit with the "A" students. (Chem Majors) I was in shock! You know what? I barely missed an A grade that semester! The students were so focused and having so much fun teaching me Chem... I didn't want to let them down! HA! It was tough, but I never missed a class and worked very hard. Do I remember it? Some, most of it I didn't fully retain... But short term memory works very well in Math and Chem classes. Looking back, I think the instructor was making a point, that we all can learn, we just have to change our environments! In my case, it was sitting with the right students, closer to the white board, and feeling a little fire under my feet!

Hang in there! You will do awesome! Keep us posted on what you decide to do. What class or classes are you taking? Do you work full-time or part-time? There are so many routes to nursing... BSN, RN, LVN, or starting off with CNA. Best of luck to you and blessings for the New Year!

Violetgirl has a lot of great suggestions. I couldn't stand the sciences in high school so wasted a year in college getting a different degree. I finally decided to put my all into it and have done well in the classes. I work my butt off attending open labs, going to tutoring, group study, never missing lecture or labs. Take the one at a time if you have to & really try to find a professor who does a great job teaching the material (ratemyprofessor). Don't get an easy professor though because you will need to know this stuff.

I was by no means a good science and math student in high school. When I started community college I began to realize how rewarding a career in healthcare could be. I was really scared about taking anatomy and physiology but I pushed myself in both of those classes and ended up with A's in both of them. Just because you're not good at something now, doesn't mean you can be!! Utilize your school's tutoring center and study study study!! What helped me the most was pre-reading chapters before class so I could know ahead of time what the professor was talking about. Also, making flash cards and charts is a great way to study as well. All is not lost! You don't need to be a genius to become a nurse. You just need drive!! Good luck :)

Thanks guys you have encouraged me a lot. I also have a fear of making a mistake and someone's life is endangered because I missed or forgot to do something. That is something that is holding me back with my Nursing dream too. Do you guys ever think about that or am I just being paranoid and letting fear take over me? Or maybe I have just been watching too much "Grey's Anatomy" lately lol. I have an issue with fear always interfering with what I want/need to do. I wish I could make it go away, it's really annoying and frustrating.

violetgirl, As of right now, I'm just taking Math since I suck at it and it has been holding me up also. No I don't work at all right now but I do have 6 kids. My husband is very supportive and lets me go study and do what I need to do whenever I need to so that is a great help. I was thinking of doing a CNA program too. I also really want to look into shadowing a Nurse for a day. That would really help me a lot. When I start my science class, I'm going straight to the front lol. Thanks for all the study tips. I can't wait to get started.

Good for you! Wow, a mom of 6 kids... You rock! Go for it! :nurse:

Thanks guys you have encouraged me a lot. I also have a fear of making a mistake and someone's life is endangered because I missed or forgot to do something. That is something that is holding me back with my Nursing dream too. Do you guys ever think about that or am I just being paranoid and letting fear take over me? Or maybe I have just been watching too much "Grey's Anatomy" lately lol. I have an issue with fear always interfering with what I want/need to do. I wish I could make it go away, it's really annoying and frustrating.

Lol... Yes, I worry a little everyday about killing someone! Than one day, a nurse told me that is a good thing, it will keep me on my toes! HA! :geek:

Yeah that's true huh. I guess me being so worried about killing someone, that will make me even more cautious and do my job more carefully. That's a good way to look at it. It would probably make us better nurses since we are taking our time and doing things right, not carelessly taking care of our patients. :) I just get nervous in time of emergency trauma and stuff like that. Yikes! :coldfeet:

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