Strong case management resume?


Hello! I am an RN with 15 years ER experience and interested in transitioning to case management for an insurance company. What are some strong points from such experience to include in a resume to make me look attractive to an employer? Obviously skills such as IVs, foleys, and med administration are not going to be a part of the job description that I am searching for. Are there any catch phrases or important terms to hit upon when trying to obtain such a role??

TIA for any info that you can provide :)

You have the experience to transition. You need to focus your resume into the KEY words that the insurance company has listed as a requirement.

Otherwise your resume will be kicked out.

Happy hunting, feel free to PM me.

I cannot PM you because I have not been "active" enough on this site, it seems. I would love your insight and advice, though, so if you can email me at [email protected] I would love to chat!

Thanks so much!

Or maybe you could even take a peek at my resume to see what you think needs fine-tuned for this industry?

Specializes in Telemetry, Psych.

I was just hired as a CM with no experience 6 months ago. My background is Behavioral Health. I will email you a copy of my resume. I just looked at the skills they wanted and the job description and pulled what they needed from my job duties. Received a lot of calls right after I tweaked my resume!

That would be wonderful!! Thanks :)

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