Published Aug 23, 2006
1,194 Posts
I have been going to my college for about 2 years now. I now only have 2 classes left to take before entering the Nursing Program.
Here's my problem. I am afraid I won't get into the Nursing Program!!!
I had my daughter last Fall and in the winter, I went in to sign up for the pre-entrance exam for Fall 2006 and found out that the last test they were offering was the next day (they changed the cut-off date from March to January). So, I took the entrance exam with basically no studying and I got around a 70% combined (can't remember exactly).
Needless to say, I was very disappointed in myself for not knowing they changed the day (although I had other things going on) and for not pulling it off in the end.
Now I am getting ready to take the test again for Fall 2007. I am so afraid I will not get a high enough score to get into the program and then what will I do? The problem is they only offer the evening classes in the Fall of each semester. Day classes are offered in both Spring and Fall. But I work full-time and have to go in the evening, so it forces me to wait another year before I can even think about going again. I won't have any other classes other than the Nursing classes left to take. Not to mention that I just want to move forward with my career, but I feel stuck right now!
I am afraid of the entire test...the vocabulary had words that I would never ever use in a normal conversation. Science asks questions that I just don't have a clue and math, I did ok on that but I am afraid that I won't remember this time around how to solve it!!
I do have the books to study from, but just fear that is not enough. I don't know what else to do! I guess all I can do is hope and pray that my brain is functioning that day and I do study what I have as much as I can and pull off some sort of miracle!!
Thanks for listening!
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
I have been going to my college for about 2 years now. I now only have 2 classes left to take before entering the Nursing Program.Here's my problem. I am afraid I won't get into the Nursing Program!!!
I am someone who did not get accepted into the class that starts this Fall. I am here waiting for acceptance into the class that starts in January. Basically my advice is to relax. You can continue to work toward your goal if you are not accepted. It is not the end of the world. You may feel bad briefly (I felt bad for a day), then you will get back up and continue on.
Besides, there are lots of positives to waiting. I am continuing to lose weight and getting in shape (thus not having to wear big size scrubs) and I finished up all of my ADN co-reqs and am now finishing up my BSN pre-reqs. If you have a plan B set up in case of rejection, you will be fine too!
Not a problem. Good luck on your test and progressing toward your goals.
181 Posts
I could have written your same post, minus the testing part! I am getting ready to apply in January for fall. This semester I am finishing up all non nursing courses for both ADN and BSN programs, so I will literally have nothing to do but wait. If I don't get in that's an entire extra year with nothing to do! But all I can do is apply. No use in worrying about it until I actually just apply and see! Study hard, go as good as you can on your entrance exam and then apply! I could (and HAVE) worried myself sick over thinking I'm not getting in, but until I apply and have that letter, there's really nothing I can do so why worry so much? Good luck to you! And if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again! That's really all we can do!
1,782 Posts
Which test is it? There might be other study sources avail. Best of luck!
I'm not sure...I'm going to try to call them today and see if anyone answers...I can never seem to get an actual person.
130 Posts
And if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again! That's really all we can do!