Stopped some where between 147-149!?!?!


Took the NCLEX today don't really know what to think. The computer shut off around 147-149 was there 2 1/2 hours. Had lots of meds one calculation (right in the beginning) a few check all that apply. Lots, of priority, who would you see first, delegation, teaching, legal questions, I do think I got the last couple questions right(although that's not suppose to matter). Not sure what to think, GOING CRAZY!! And the computer couldn't have shut off at a odder number than what it did.........any thoughts anyone?? I've never been in such a funk after a test. Is it normally to cry? I'm not really a crier! Well I'm gonna take a nap. All I can do now is play the waiting game.....:barf02: :madface: Well I can't sleep....too nervous and seems like no one wants to respond to my thread!

Oh, Shell, I don't have exact answers for you as I still have to take test myself, but I didn't want you to go without an answer from someone! :D

From what I've been reading, crying is so totally normal it seems odd if you DON'T cry when it's all done. :)

The amount of questions seems all over the map, too, so I wouldn't read a single thing into it. I've known people to fail at 220 and pass at 240 and everything above and below those numbers are all fair game. Hey, be happy it wasn't 150 questions; why answer more than you needed to? ;)

Hang in there!!

I know exactly how you feel!!! I took the boards yesterday and when I got in my car I started bawling~!! I never cry like that. I am emotionally and mentally drained! I am waiting for the 48 hour mark to look up my results. I'm at hour 32. When the test shut off I was thinking No!!! I'm not finished!!! :o


Keep positive! Victory is yours! Keep in mind you went thru the hurdles of nursing school and passed them all. This is no exception. I believe that that same God that saw you all theu school is still alive! He didn't let you go thru that hurdle only to leave you here. He'll surely perfect ALL that He has started!

Shell, yes, pls go to sleep! LOL've worked so hard up till this day. God will perfect His work in your lives! Don't forget to let us know the good news!

Thanks for all the support! I still haven't gone to sleep yet got some pizza and watching movies with my fiance. Making myself so tired to the point my body gives out! haha

I took my test on 06/24/06 and I stopped at the same point too. Is there hope for me? I have read on the post here that in California the results are really slow. I am praying that I passed. Just in reading all of the different posts in the discussion forum has given me hope..... I will let you know if I did. God is still forever good!. Good all the time.

I took my test on 06/24/06 and I stopped at the same point too. Is there hope for me? I have read on the post here that in California the results are really slow. I am praying that I passed. Just in reading all of the different posts in the discussion forum has given me hope..... I will let you know if I did. God is still forever good!. Good all the time.

Melcaiarn-I hope that it will be ok, I haven't seen too many people on here that have it stop at that number. I just pray and pray and try to keep myself occupied with other things. I've seen a lot of posts about CA results it seems pretty crazy out there some get the results early and some get them late! Michigan has quick results so that's good. Good Luck and God Bless!

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