Stony Brook Basic BSN class of 2020

Nursing Students School Programs


Nursing Application has now opened for the Basic BSN fall 2018 program. I will be submitting my application Sept 1. I noticed there was no forum so I decided to start one... Good Luck to everyone that is applying. It is a bit early but it doesn't hurt to communicate with everyone. Has everyone finished all their pre-reqs?

feels like eternity lol

How did you do on math and writing?

I think I did well on the writing but I'm not sure about the math because I got stuck on a couple on the back page. What about you?

We are already at the six week mark!? I'm going to be checking my email like crazy now! Once anyone hears back please post so I can check lol

Do they let us know via email? or mail?

oh really? I was thinking mail lol

been five weeks since my interview I don't know when the last interview was held.

Hey everyone! This wait is killing me!! Ive been checking my email constantly. Just want to know already. Good luck to you all. If anyone hears anything please share(:

we all have our fingers crossed good luck

Does anyone know if there is a certain day of the week or time they send the email? Just wondering since I am constantly checking hahaha

There's no way of really knowing exactly Day and time although it would be nice! I say keep checking because we are at 7th week and they told 6-8 weeks so hopefully we will hear back soon! Aahhh omg anxiety level x100

Same I'm freaking out

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