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Hi, I am hoping someone will be able to hear what I am saying and offer some advice. I have been nursing for 1.8 years on a medical surgical unit. We see everything. Of late, I have found myself more and more stressed out. Could it be my honeymoon is over? My question, is can anyone relate to the following feelings : I think about my patients when I go home, I worry about any possible mistakes, the next AM I wake up and wonder about a patient status, is everything ok? I also find myself very reactive in the environment, I am able to have great relationships with my patients, but I find myself having a hard time regulating my mood at work. I'm afraid I'm becoming obsessive with my work and I am concerned that it shows. Can anyone relate to this? I would like to know that I am not the only one who worries about their patients or the day they had when it is time to sign off, but this is becoming very stressful and I am not sure how to deal. Thank you for reading this post.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I'm sorry no one has responded to your post any sooner.

This website has a forum that you perhaps might be interested in, and it is entitled 'First Year in Nursing'. It is full of so-called newbies who are in similar situations. Hopefully you'll get a healthier suite of responses. Good luck to you! :)

I think you are just learning how to deal with the stress of a med-surg unit and learning how to adapt.

I am always learning how to cope.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I think that is how many of us feel at your point. It's hard---hang in there.

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