Still encountering racism on the job

Nurses General Nursing

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I love my job as a nurse and I would never think of doing anything else, but I am so sick of the stigma that I am not a real nurse because of my color. Maybe it's just the area that I live in, but 8 times out of 10 when I enter a patients room they automatically assume I am housekeeping or a CNA because of my race. I have also had a couple of pts. refuse to have a african american nurse.When will we learn to love eachother? Also can anyone give me the names of some minority friendly workplaces?

Farsi is spoken in Iran.

Just keep smiling and say "No I am your nurse," when asked such insulting questions. I'm from metro Atlanta and have been asked those questions too.

Originally posted by thatldo

Maybe this story will make you smile.

I'm white and my husband is black (he doesn't like African American, he says he wasn't born in Africa, but thats another story..ha), and while we were dating I was apprehensive about how I was going to tell my nursing home bound 90 year Grandmother about my dating a black man.

Well, after much stressing & sweating during one of my visits I finally just told her that Roy was black, and you know what she said? "Well there's no good white men out there anyway"!

Oh Sherri! I just HOWLED with laughter when I read that!

I'm in OKC, grew up in Claremore! ?

Heh research rabbit...I pm you, I'm 30 miles from Claremore. Son still goes to school there, while another is in Norman going to OU.

If you like what my grandma said, here's another one.

Preacher was at the nursing home Sunday and had finished his little sermon and was going up to all the residents and taking their hands saying "bless you".

Well..... he gets to my Grandma, bends down, gently takes her hand and says "bless you".

Grandma just looks up at him and in that high pitched voice of hers says "well somebody has too"!!!!!:roll

I come from a fairly predjudiced background. I can still remember the huge community swimming pool our family used to frequent and the day it was announced that it would be desegregated. My Dad stated we wouldn't be allowed to go anymore. (it must be illegal for your pool to segregate)

I am not predjudiced toward any race, but need to say, I had to work at it to overcome things I had been brought up to believe. I am sorry for what you endure.

I work at a LTC facility and often hear derrogatory remarks toward blacks and nurses of other races from the residents. It hurts me deeply. I must also say that I hear many of the black nurses making comments about the Philopino (sp) nurses.

Why can't we all be just human beings? There are so many crisis in this world today. Why do people still dwell on race issues.

I no it will not go away, but I wish it would.

While some people will make those remarks to you and they hurt. please remember that there are people who respect you for what you are, another human being.

It saddens me to hear that in this day and age there is still so much racism. The fact that our innocent children have to see/hear this saddens me more. Where I work we have approx 6 nurses who are african/american compared to approx 25 who are "white".........They have all at one time or another been thought to have worked in housekeeping or as aides. My closest friend who happens to be "black" has handled many of these situations with humor without anger etc........I'm not so sure that I would of been able to do the same. It angers me so... How has management handled this? By saying, "some of our best nurses are black"........or something like that. I don't like that either, because it's like saying, "though she's black, she is a good nurse".......well, why the hell shouldn't she/he be a good nurse? You never hear anyone say, "well she's white but she's a good nurse" I have said before, not sure I would or could handle this without intense anger. Though there are prejudices against white people too, it's nowhere as deep as the opposite. Will people ever get over this ignorance?? I'd like to think so but I don't think so.

Regarding the swimming pool situation, is that legal for them to say no blacks allowed? I could go on and on, as I'm sure many can on this issue, but I'll end this post by saying, "always do your best to succeed and most important, be proud of who you are and teach your children not to judge others by their color/nationality etc..........I hope that your workplace handles situations where racism is occuring.


Originally posted by nursetl2002

I live in a very rural part of ohio, ironton. We still have a swimming pool that doesn't allow blacks there. I am so out of here when school is out. The other day me, my hubby, and my kids were walking down the street, trying to take advantage of the nice weather while it lasted, and some car drove buy and called my 5 year old son a nigglette, I was so mad I chased the car, mind you I am not a small girl, and scared those people to death. Not one of my best moments, but I cant take much more especially when it's directed at my babies.

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