Published Sep 3, 2015
8 Posts
I am a nursing student and need some help with picking out a stethoscope. I know that I can't afford anything too expensive but I would really like to have a stethoscope that will help me to hear noises clearly . Does anyone have any suggestions for a stethoscope that is not too pricey and is good quality? I am very nervous about not being able to do my work properly.
897 Posts
The Littman Lightweight is ~$40-45. The Classic II (in stainless steel) is $72-85. I have a Classic II, and it's literally the only stethoscope I've ever owned, so all I can tell you is that both are extremely popular. You'll see them everywhere. They're both fine for what you'll be doing in school. If you end up working a floor with a lot of cardiac patients worry about getting something more precise later, when you're making money. :) 3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope, Black Plated Chestpiece and Eartubes, Black Tube, 28 inch, 2218BE: Industrial & Scientific 3M Littmann Lightweight II S.E. Stethoscope, Black Tube, 28 inch, 2450: Industrial & Scientific
vintagemother, BSN, CNA, LVN, RN
2,717 Posts
Littman. Hands down. It's more expensive than some others, but you can hear very clearly with it. Although we're taught not to auscultate over clothing, sometimes a situation arises when that is the most practical way to do it.
My littman lasted through Lvn school, 1 yr of work as an LVN and I'm still using it now in RN school.
I only had to replace the tubing once because I spilled ink on it. The tubing was inexpensive to replace.
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,317 Posts
The Classic II is a good starter one. I had a REALLY cheap one and it is hard enough to hear things you don't know what you're listening for. I ended with a cardiology because a resident left it behind (he thought it was broken-I paid $40 to get a new disc and ear buds!!!). Littman is a quality product.