Stethoscope help


I am a nursing student and need some help with picking out a stethoscope. I know that I can't afford anything too expensive but I would really like to have a stethoscope that will help me to hear noises clearly . Does anyone have any suggestions for a stethoscope that is not too pricey and is good quality? I am very nervous about not being able to do my work properly.

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

The Littman Lightweight is ~$40-45. The Classic II (in stainless steel) is $72-85. I have a Classic II, and it's literally the only stethoscope I've ever owned, so all I can tell you is that both are extremely popular. You'll see them everywhere. They're both fine for what you'll be doing in school. If you end up working a floor with a lot of cardiac patients worry about getting something more precise later, when you're making money. :) 3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Stethoscope, Black Plated Chestpiece and Eartubes, Black Tube, 28 inch, 2218BE: Industrial & Scientific 3M Littmann Lightweight II S.E. Stethoscope, Black Tube, 28 inch, 2450: Industrial & Scientific

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

Littman. Hands down. It's more expensive than some others, but you can hear very clearly with it. Although we're taught not to auscultate over clothing, sometimes a situation arises when that is the most practical way to do it.

My littman lasted through Lvn school, 1 yr of work as an LVN and I'm still using it now in RN school.

I only had to replace the tubing once because I spilled ink on it. The tubing was inexpensive to replace.

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

The Classic II is a good starter one. I had a REALLY cheap one and it is hard enough to hear things you don't know what you're listening for. I ended with a cardiology because a resident left it behind (he thought it was broken-I paid $40 to get a new disc and ear buds!!!). Littman is a quality product.

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