

I will be starting Nursing School this fall and wondering what is the best stethescope to purchase?? I keep hearing Littman is the best but there are so many models, types, ect. to choose from. so please respond and let me know which ones you feel are the best!



Specializes in Psychiatry.

I work on a ventilator unit, and LOVE my Littman-II SE. Great for auscultating breath sounds.

Specializes in OR.

I used a Littman Master Classic II althroughout nursing school. Sound is amazing, can hear everything clearly. I got one on ebay for around 70 bucks plus S/H.

However, I switched to my fiancees Littman Classic II S.E. model because it was lighter than the classic II. The classic II has a one-sided ergonomical grip, it feels good, but in my opinion its just heavy. I can really notice it after a 12 hour shift on the Med-Surg floor where I do TONS of walking.

But like I said, I got it at a decent price, and it was an amazing stethescope to use. Chances are those stethescopes you get with a nursing school kit aren't worth crap.

Actually I still have my Master Classic II. I dunno if this is against TOS forums, but id sell it to you for like 20 bucks, lol. :p No use having a steth I dont use when someone else could get as much use out of it as I did!

Specializes in Vascular Surgery.

Buy a $5 stethoscope of eBay.... then 'sample' all of your classmates steths. ;)

If money isn't an issue, Littmann Master Cardiology stethoscope, hearing/comparing it with my mom's littmann lightweight it sounds "clear". It's like you're comparing a vhs to dvd/bluray

Compared to all the other stethoscopes I've used, it's by far the best, makes assessments easier, and the way I look at things, just save up, buy the best, be done with it so you don't have to waste money upgrading

If money isn't an issue, Littmann Master Cardiology stethoscope, hearing/comparing it with my mom's littmann lightweight it sounds "clear". It's like you're comparing a vhs to dvd/bluray

Compared to all the other stethoscopes I've used, it's by far the best, makes assessments easier, and the way I look at things, just save up, buy the best, be done with it so you don't have to waste money upgrading

This is fine as long as you are able to keep hold of it during clinicals...good luck with that!

I started out w/ the Master Classic II but then bought a Cardio III because of the pediatric side (I'm in OB and hate using the cheap infant stethoscopes they provide)....The Cardio III is so much clearer and I can hear a lot better with it....IMO buy the best you can afford.....I've never had a problem with my stethoscopes disappearing during clinicals, and weight isn't an issue since it doesn't hang around my neck anyways, I've got one of those holster things....

Hi, can I ask what one of those holster things is? Thanks.

Hi, can I ask what one of those holster things is? Thanks.

it's a little holster that you can hang your stethoscope hangs on your hips

Thank you for the visual. Maybe I can get away with that when I graduate. Does it ever fall out of the holster? I'm sure it doesn't or you wouldn't be using it.

I work as a CMA right now at an urgent care and after a 12 hour shift my neck sure gets sore. I ordered a Cardiology III and I can't wait to see the difference between that and my school issued cheap prestige that a career college gave me with my books a few years ago. Thanks again.

it's never fallen out before....and I've run up and down stairs with it...

Thank you for all the information. I ordered a holder this morning.

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