Published Sep 24, 2014
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
Hi. I'm trying to come up with a form that will guide people writing postfall statements to give me information I can know, was the person wearing shoes? Were they incontinent? Last time toileted.
Does anyone have something to share so I don't have to recreate the wheel?
7,736 Posts
Does Brinks have a post-fall assessment form? I used to use a pre-printed form "Falls Investigation". Just do not remember WHO generated the form. It did ask your questions and also for contributing diagnoses, possible contributing meds with last time administered, last meal/food, etc. Sorry, I just can't remember who was the author. It was rather comprehensive & detailed.
I also worked one place that had its own document and it had one particular question I especially liked. It asked - "was care plan being followed". It made the nurses become careplan conscious. It made them check the current careplan to see if all the approaches were in place so that they could check-off 'yes' or 'no'.
Sorry I can't be more helpful, but there is a form out there.
I like the "was the care plan being followed" since that's one of the first things I want to know.
Thanks...I'll check out Briggs
34 Posts
Check devices to be in working order. Walker, bed, wheelchair.
Thanks CCM for the correction. I kept looking at BRINKS and it didn't look right. BRIGGS!
Thanks CCM for the correction. I kept looking at BRINKS and it didn't look right. BRIGGS! duh!
Mn nurse 22
103 Posts
We have a post fall form, plus everyone's favorite the mandatory post fall huddle.
Our form asks what the surrounding area looked like, when was resident last observed, last toileted, med changes, condition changes, unusual behaviors 2 hrs prior to fall.
What did the resident say?
list the safety interventions and the new interventions implemented.
hope this helps