State Opt-out


From the information i have, 13 states have elected to OPT-OUT. Does anyone know what other Governors are interested?

What do you think will happen for the CRNA if a democrat is elected for President in the next term?

If all 50 states chose to OPT-OUT, what would this mean for the CRNA practice and how will it effect the MDA?

From the information i have, 13 states have elected to OPT-OUT. Does anyone know what other Governors are interested?

What do you think will happen for the CRNA if a democrat is elected for President in the next term?

If all 50 states chose to OPT-OUT, what would this mean for the CRNA practice and how will it effect the MDA?

Not all fifty states will be able to opt out, because some states have it written in their practice act that CRNAs must be supervised by a physician. Ohio, for example, is one of them.

WOW, does anyone know anything? Do CRNAs even care about the future of anesthesia? I can hardly believe this..

Might as well close this thread. Getting CRNA information from a CRNA forum is like trying to pull a bag of gold out of a lobster's behind.

I had this topic up for one whole day and only one reply. LOL

Maybe no one is answering because they don't want to wast their breath engaging in an exchange with you. I've seen some of your posts and I don't understand what you are trying to prove here. You obviously are not a CRNA. Move along oh ye of questionable integrity and motive.

Are you kidding me? Are you adding fuel to the fire? look at my question. Read my posts again. I want information period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Have Been Researching These Topics For The Last Few Days And I Thought I Might Be Able To Receive Someones Personal Knowledge By Posting A Few Of My Questions In This Crna Forum. Apparently You Men And Women Do Not Know How To Answer Questions.

If Somone Asks Me A Question, I Do My Best To Answer Them With What I Know.

How Would You Like It If You Went To The Bank And Asked The Teller For $500 In $20's And She Gives You A Coconut And Asks You What Ur Plans Are For The Fourth Of July?

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Members choose to answer those threads that interest them...drop the perceived "attitude" and you will get responses.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
I Have Been Researching These Topics For The Last Few Days And I Thought I Might Be Able To Receive Someones Personal Knowledge By Posting A Few Of My Questions In This Crna Forum. Apparently You Men And Women Do Not Know How To Answer Questions.

If Somone Asks Me A Question, I Do My Best To Answer Them With What I Know.

How Would You Like It If You Went To The Bank And Asked The Teller For $500 In $20's And She Gives You A Coconut And Asks You What Ur Plans Are For The Fourtreh Of July?

Matt,Matt, Matt.'re so intense that you're making me nervous. No one answered your questions because they were meaningless questions which can't be answered. We don't have an agenda against any particular political party and no one knows the answers to the others.

From the information i have, 13 states have elected to OPT-OUT. Does anyone know what other Governors are interested?

What do you think will happen for the CRNA if a democrat is elected for President in the next term?

If all 50 states chose to OPT-OUT, what would this mean for the CRNA practice and how will it effect the MDA?

The "opt-out" refers to opting out of the Medicare Conditions for Particpation by Hospitals/institutions requirement for supervision of CRNA by a physician. This must be consistent with state law and the Governor is required to have consulted with the Board of Nursing and the Board of Medicine prior to sending a letter to CMS "opting-out" of the requirement.

This is a state issue and who holds the Presidency is unlikely to have an impact on such a state issue.

As other posters have noted there are probably of number of states that will not opt out for a variety of reasons- inconsistent with state law, not an issue in that state or other. So your scenario of all 50 states opting out is unlikely. Remember the condition for supervision refers to physician suppervision not anesthesiologist supervision- those 2 are not the same. CRNAs in many hospitals are "supervised" by the operating surgeon not an anesthesiologist. You may wish to consider going to the website and seaching keyword opt op to read previous press releases on the topic.

Your impatience at not getting an answer in less than 24 hours is not flattering to you- many knowledgable CRNAs are busy working and don't cruise the site just waiting to respond to your questions. Give people time to check in if you are really looking for information. Patience is a positive virtue in dealing with people and waiting for the effect of the drug you just gave to the 75 yo patient with a heart rate of 55. Best wishes-:mortarboard:

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