Published Jan 7, 2015
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
School is about here again. I start up next Tuesday. Last semester was my first in the program. It went fairly well, but I think I could have done better in lecture. Both of my Bs were in lecture. I had As in clinical and both lab classes. Nursing school was an adjustment at first. It was a mixture of a new way of thinking and meeting all of the people I would be with for the next 2 years. It was learning the nursing interventions instead of focusing on the disease. It was about treating the person and not the disease. In my mind at times, I wanted to treat the disease.
In the back of my mind, I could hear Esme and GrnTea saying what is your patient telling you now? What do they need right now? It honestly helped me out tons in trying to figure out what intervention to do first. Although, there were times I was left speechless over how you can have 3 right answers but only 1 is really right. But I felt like at the end of the semester I was getting into a groove and did pretty well on the final. But I was reaching my groove just as the semester ended and I was taking a 3 week break. Lol. Now I have to find that groove again. Hopefully, faster this semester!!
This semester is psychiatric nursing, med/surg II, and pharmacology. Most people are worried about pharm. I'm not so much because I do already have a good working knowledge of most drugs. My hardest part is going to be how it chemically works in the body. I used to be a pharmacy tech so I know brand name vs. generic. I know the groups of drugs. What is a cephlasporin, what is a beta blocker, all that good stuff. I think med/surg II will be my hardest class.
I'm going to set aside more time to study this semester. I think it's going to be a tough one but I'm ready for the challenge!!! I will probably be ready for a break come May.
Good Luck to everyone!!
368 Posts
Good luck! I start my first semester next Tuesday and I am nervous/excited. I hope I find my groove's just nerve wracking not really knowing what to expect
1 Article; 1,265 Posts
Yeah, just saw my clinical schedule for last semester (starting Monday). Saturday clinicals for medsurg III and Thursday for peds. Plus classes and/or labs three days a week. Plus a part time job. Have to remind myself that I did the same last semester with MB clinicals and medsurg II, so I can handle this too. Getting close.
739 Posts
Good Luck this upcoming semester! I am sure you will do great
jjmm RN,BSN
71 Posts
I'm starting my last semester in a couple weeks. I'm so nervous because its supposed to be the hardest one in our program. Kind of stressing about it already knowing whats coming! Happy new year! You'll do great :)