Starting school in January, need all the help I can get!

Nurses Uniform/Gear


Hello everyone! I'm new to the site, I will be starting nursing school in January. I am in a 4 year BSN program and have been working my butt off for the past year and half to make it this far. I'm beyond excited! I have a couple questions, small questions but important to me, since I have never done anything in the medical field.

does stethoscope color matter? I am going for the Litmann Classic III (our school makes it mandatory for it to be a littmann)I know they tend to get stolen so I really wanted to go with breast cancer pink but can't choose between that or the pearl pink. Should I get engraving? Is it worth it? What colors do you have?

I get my scrubs through my school, should I get two pairs or should one be suffice?

where can I get a good watch with a second hand that's cute but functional and CHEAP.

and lastly, any tips for me and my first semester of nursing school and clinicals. Any uniform, accessories tips or things I should get such as school supplies?

Thanks everyone! Any advice is welcome

Thank you for your help! All the info is very valuable to me [emoji4]

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