Starting out in the Operating Room...

Specialties CRNA


Hey CRNAs,

I started out in the Operating Room as a new grad... and it's only been a few months. I'm practically entranced by all that you do at the head of the bed.

Im wondering if that means I should look into becoming a CRNA... should I stay in the OR for a year then transfer to an ICU? Or transfer out now?

I think I would enjoy trauma ICU because I love working with OR trauma but is trauma ICU accepted for CRNA school?

Would love to hear from operating room nurses who become CRNAs.


I know 2 OR nurses who thought they wanted to become a CRNA until they went to the ICU. They hated it, and gave up on anesthesia. One told me that he did not like having to worry about the patient's blood pressure. I told him that he would not like anesthesia! I know another OR nurse that did become a CRNA. Burning your bridge to return to the OR is something to think about.

Thank you for giving me some "hard truth" on the matter! I'm a new grad so thankfully I have plenty of time to decide what my future holds. But I miss worrying about those things and really getting to know my patient and their physiological responses. I guess I can only find out by trying.

Did that OR nurse stay in the OR for a year then transfer out? I think I'm going to do that so then I don't burn my bridge just in case I get out and change my mind.

I usually say put in at least 6 months before transferring, if for no other reason than to protect your resume. Transition to the ICU and see what you think. For me, working in the ICU showed me that I did not want to be a CRNA.

Most CRNAs, when asked why they chose their career, will say they loved being a critical care bedside nurse and wanted to take it to "the next level". I wasn't a huge fan of being a bedside nurse and I didn't want to continue being one. I wanted to do more of what the intensivist was doing. Turns out, I want to be involved in the surgery itself, not behind the curtain at the head of the bed.

I must say, though, that every CRNA I work with loves their job. There are a lot of paths in nursing. Choose wisely... (

Specializes in ICU.
I believe I'll be placed in a trauma OR speciality so that will be helpful to know if I can handle some of that. I think that's what I miss though... I haven't had a taste of it because I'm a new grad int he Operating Room but I miss doing a lot of meds, talking to patients, day to day bedside procedures.

Come pass my 9am meds anytime and while your at it, talk with the family and patients every hour to answer the same question OR seems like such a quite oasis.

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