Published Jul 15, 2011
10 Posts
I graduated from nursing school next week and I am finishing up my clincial evaluation paper for a preceptorship I had in the OR. One of the paragraphs has to do with specific standards of practice for OR... I can't seem to find these on AORN. Is there anywhere else I can look? I also have to write about a nurse theorist r/t OR nursing. Thanks for any guidance.
185 Posts
Most operating rooms that in Canada keep a copy of the standards of practice for OR nursing, at the nursing station. You may have to go into the hosp & arrange to borrow one.
Otherwise, you can purchase a copy from AORN on line, price is $199.00 to non members. It is through AORN & is called Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices (2011) edition
I could not find a set of OR standards for free on line.
canesdukegirl, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,543 Posts
You could use the Alexander's text as a guide. AORN does have PSRP as Boxr wrote, but it is horribly expensive. I like her idea of borrowing one from the hospital. You could call the Nurse Educator for the OR and see what they can arrange for you; you may have to spend a day there, because they likely will not let you take it home. They should also have some texts there that you can skim through.