Published Feb 5, 2006
10 Posts
A situation arouse recently that resulted in the question "What is your standard of care for groin site preps?" Realizing everyone in our department does it a bit differently, I had to admit that we do not have "Standards of Care" that direct all staff through the same process for procedural care in the angio suites. At least it is not documented.
Naturally, we have department wide P&P- but nothing that is so specific for this particular modality. ARNA has left me wanting for SOC also- so many are based on OR standards that are not applicable in the Interventional Radiology suites- and they are old.
What is the recommendation out there so I don't have to re-create the wheel?
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,593 Posts
I keep checking back here, hoping someone has posted suggestions for you. I'm afraid I don't have any . . . I'd do some research (google or yahoo search; vivisimo has an impressive search engine that separates search results into categories, instead of one big result) and probably re-invent that wheel. It's always something . . . seems we barely have time to do our cases and keep up on required competencies and education credits, without, as you say, re-inventing the wheel. Best of luck to you, I wish I could be of more help. I'll keep searching, BTW . . . :)
20,964 Posts
Sorry I can't help you.....May want to ask this on the General Nursing Discussion forum---lots of traffic there. GOOD LUCK!
2 Posts
Interestin question. We are currently in the same process so the policy is still in process. We consulted GDG guidelines, the last visit Jacho suggestions and the golden book of ID by the ID nurse and clip the area of hair with a disposable head clipper and prep with Cloroprep (Blue Tint) so the sterile can be seen. Hope this helps.
6 Posts
We are also in the same position. Except are OR doesn't even have these. We have e-mailed nationally throughout the VA's and have yet to receive any answers. I could also use thie if anyone finds any.
4 Posts
I really dont have much to say on the subject as I am a snurse:)) and still have not done my med surge. However I did have a surgery in billings MT in which such a prep was used. There as no tint in the prep and the hair was taken to just about one inch above my umbilicus. :)) I will watch this thread for more info as how u work this out sound like it could be very usfull information for nurses in any field. :)) will also ask at our hospital and see what they have to say one the ??