staff developers

Specialties Geriatric


Seeking LTC Staff Developers who desire brainstorming and sharing inservice ideas.

Just read your request for inservice nurse input. Am saddened to see no replies! I have been in inservice for almost 14 years at a 120 bed LTC in upstate NY and would enjoy some stimulating information. Actually, with so many other job duties (employee health, orientation, OSHA, etc) my inservice work suffers. I especially have trouble with information for nurses. Would love to enter into discussion with other nurses. Hope to hear from more people.


It is truely sad to see so few responces. I have been a SDD for only a short while and have been looking for input for qite some time. I have a lot of great ideas but just putting them into working order is the problem. Very interested!!


I was delighted to see you message. I am a

new Staff Development/Infection Control RN.

I would love to share ideas with others. I

need help in getting staff to attend the inservices offered. It can be very frustrating after spending so much time in

preparation. Please help. Thanks.

I just saw this posting. What do you guys do? I know what infection control is, but how does it coordinate with staff developing? Request a little inservice here, please.

I too am looking for others to share ideas and brainstorm with about Inservice topics and ideas. One suggestion i have on getting people to attend Inservices is to offer refreshments. "If you feed them, they will come" ;-) I have always had better luck if i just have something simple like cookies, donuts or chips and a beverage. Please, anyone interested in sharing ideas fell free to contact me.

Hi Gang, I'm a new SDC in need of suggestions. I recently went to a seminar in Raleigh and we played residents rights musical chairs. Whoever was left standing when the music stopped had to give a residents right. Anyone else have ideas???

Hi, to Donna and all the previous responses. The reason our staff development person couldn't get much response was because of "LACK OF STAFFING!!" I couldn't go to most meetings because I was left on floor with 40 very needy LTC residents. It was very scary for me and also sad because I knew someone was not getting the care they needed. I complained, did no good, and I have been gone from LTC. But if you have enough staff, be energetic, have food, short meeting and good hand outs and make sure you do follow ups on hand outs.

Nursing education is one of my hobbies... what sort of ideas are you looking for? All of my staff education experience is in Long term care- I used to do some neat things. Attendance is always a problem, but I liked the smaller and more intimate groups [you get tired of repeating yourself so many times, but it is worth it]!!

I enjoy games during staff education sessions. We used to play "Residents' Rights Bingo" for prizes. Let me know what sort of ideas you are looking for....

Hi Tim, We have solved the problem for inservice attendance for now. Payday is on thursday to all who attend the inservice. Ground rules had to be established such as the door is closed at the beginning of the inservice so people couldn't show up fot the last 2 min and then get paid. Another ground rule is that if a staff member calls out sick on Fri. they won't have the priviledge of getting paid on Thurs again. I'm looking for ideas on creative ways to present material. Also, the staffs post tests are worse than their pretests!!! What gives????

Inservice Jeopardy is great, its not boring and they learn because its fun, winners should get neat little prizes, like a gift certificate at a local restaurant or store. Nursing stuff, like pins and pens and such are fun to get also.

Hi Everyone, Can anyone tell me where I can by residents rights bingo??? Also I don't know if you are all aware but OSHA has a web site with tapes that you can borrow and copy then return for free. Hope this link works!

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