1st time death for CNA

Nurses General Nursing


okay well yesterday in the ltc facility we went to look at a man that was dying. his breathing was on/off and his feet were purple and cold. one of my classmates asked why the nurses weren't sending him to the hospital or helping him to feel better. my instructor said that this is what he wanted and this is the way he wanted to die. what's even sadder is he was put in the same room with his wife and after he's gone i don't think that she's gonna last very long. :crying2:

he was still conscious and i was fighting back the tears.

please share your 1st time story's . . .

I did not have a peaceful experience, I was a student helping a nurse care for a CA patient, then we went for lunch, when we came back, the nurse told me to go tell her her family was here, when I opened the door she was handing by the side rail, dead. It scared the living Jesus out of me, but I was strong to comfort the husband, son, and little daughter, however that scene was in my mind all the time, sometimes when leaving the hospital at night, I would run through the dark parking lot... I would see her, again, and again.

I am over it now, will be by the bed side until your last breath, but am not comfortable with post mortum care

as a student, i can understand how that terrified you.

as an experienced nurse, i find it incredibly sad.

i do appreciate your obvious sensitivity, and will make you a fine nurse.


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