1st semester NS burnout?

Nursing Students Student Assist


Anybody else with me? Jeez, I feel so unmotivated! I keep telling myself that there is only a month left but it seems like I'm just struggling through a river of molassas. Everything seems to be going ok, my grades are alright, etc., but my get up and go, has got up and went...(way, way, far away). Don't get me wrong, I know this is what I want to do and am so grateful that I'm FINALLY in a program after so long....I'm just tired...physically and mentally drained. Just wanted to know if any of my fellow first semester students were feeling my pain, LOL:lol2: . Cheers, here I go....to try and make myself finish my homework. Feel free to kick me in the butt.... I need it.

we're still alive!! we survived!!

well my results in this wk, i failed my third attempt at a sterile wound competency, so i have to retake the whole darned class. :trout: at first i was a total mess,:sofahider but now i am sooo enjoying being stress free, that i just don't care. and i don't have to deal w/ evil stressmonsterteacher again, yay! even though i was getting a b in the class, if you fail any comp 3 x, you're out! well out of class, not program. good luck everyone on your finals. we all deserve a nice break! :icon_hug:

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