Published Jan 7, 2015
306 Posts
Next week I will be having my first interview for a position in over 10 years. I have been in my current role for that long and looking for a change to facilitate some changes in my life, including being more involved with my kids activities, and my schooling.
It has been a long time and I'm sure interview techniques have changed. I'm wondering what to expect, what questions to ask back, and some advice on how to prepare.
I am currently in an outpatient setting (weekdays 8-5), and looking to go back to bedside (3-12s).
I have read that 'situational' questions are popular, what should I prepare for?
catlovingRN, BSN, RN
48 Posts
As far as the interviews I've had, the only person who asked a decent amount of situation questions was the nurse recruiter. She asked things like: tell me a time when you went above and beyond for a patient, give me an example of a time when a there was an issue with a patient's care and how you resolved it, a scenario when you acted as a patient advocate, etc. etc... She also asked about positive and negative feedback I've received from past clinical instructors. As far as my interviews with nurse managers the only situational question I was asked was what would I do if a physician prescribed a med I wasn't comfortable giving. Other than that I've been asked why I want to become a nurse, why I want to work at said hospital, the typical "tell me about yourself" question. There are a lot of great posts in here with other questions (especially by TheCommuter) so I would definitely check those out. Good luck on your upcoming interview!