1st day, 1st semester @ WCCC Nursing


Can you say OVERWHELMED? Not a hard day, just so confusing, so much information, so much to know...how can I think like a nurse, when it is only my first day of the program? And 'critical thinking' is this something I will learn, or something you are born with? I mean, I am far from an 'airhead' but I can honestly say I don't have the slightest clue what the definition of it is....perhaps tomorrow will be another day, I know I want to succeed, and will put forth everything that I have...Does it get easier? OK, enough complaining..now for the good..I really liked my instructors! lol...goodnight yall...have a good one...


It is a tad overwhelming but just take a moment to set up a game plan on how you can tackle all of it (foundation lab, lecture and physical assessment). YOU CAN DO IT!! I am going send you a PM with something that helped me a lot when I was taking test during my first semester.


Missgigius can you please send me that same information, im having the same problem. Thanks in advance.

Missgigius can you please send me that same information, im having the same problem. Thanks in advance.

Sure here is the link:


My problem was that I knew the information but didn't know how to take the test. I was reading too much into the questions or adding my personal experiences. After the first test, (I got a 80%, which is a C) I said I need to learn how to take test in the nursing program. Did some research on test taking and that was the lowest grade far in the program. (Not bragging, just grateful...lower test scores are sure to follow now that I put that statement out there :) .

Also a digital voice recorder is highly recommended. I download my lectures and fill in my notes after class.


Specializes in Med/Surg.

Ha so your school talks about the whole critical thinking thing too! Same with HFCC. Do you have to take a test to see if you know how to critical think? We do...it's not graded...just a "you have to take it but we don't grade you" sort of test. ha :) I started a week and a half ago...today is my first lab class!

Congratulations!! The first day always makes your head want to implode. Learning critical thinking takes time, or I should say thinking like a Nurse takes time. Take advantage of all of your resources, there are many! Congrats again and good luck


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