1st assignments for army nurses


Specializes in CCRN, CEN.

Is there certain hospitals you have to go to first like the Navy and USAF, if so where are they?

Do you know what the Navy and Air force require? Are you saying they have mandatory first hospitals?

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
Is there certain hospitals you have to go to first like the Navy and USAF, if so where are they?

Before coming on active duty I requested Brooke Army Medical Center, but was told they had no ICU open spots. However, I was asked if I'd consider Madigan Army Medical Center, FT Lewis, WA, since they had openings for Army Critical Care RNs. I said yes... actually I had been to FT Lewis the year before w/reserve unit and loved the area. It would have been my first choice if not for such a geographic move [ Texas - Washington]. I'm now at MAMC and very content.

So, your first assignment as an Army nurse will depend on your specific AOC [job specialty] and the needs of the AMEDD [Army Medical Department]. Fortunately, I was asked the right questions.

Corvette Guy,

Where you ICU before going in? Where you "certified"?

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
Corvette Guy,

Were you ICU before going in? Were you "certified"?

No, I worked in the OR as a civilian nurse the past 4 yrs & in the Army Reserve Nurse Corps my designation [AOC] was also OR RN [66E]. However, upon my request at my Reserve Unit I was allowed to work in the ICU at BAMC. I have prior Telemetry & ICU experience from 1998-2002.

Once I completed the Army 15 week Critical Care Nursing Course at MAMC I was given the additional skill identifier of 8A and now I'm a 66H8A in the ANC. I now work on ICU East at MAMC.

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
Before coming on active duty I requested Brooke Army Medical Center, but was told they had no ICU open spots. However, I was asked if I'd consider Madigan Army Medical Center, FT Lewis, WA, since they had openings for Army Critical Care RNs. I said yes... actually I had been to FT Lewis the year before w/reserve unit and loved the area. It would have been my first choice if not for such a geographic move [ Texas - Washington]. I'm now at MAMC and very content.

So, your first assignment as an Army nurse will depend on your specific AOC [job specialty] and the needs of the AMEDD [Army Medical Department]. Fortunately, I was asked the right questions.

Hello Corvette Guy,

As much as my hopes were high for making FT Lewis number 1 on my list...something happened, (don't laugh, a dream) and I am not even going to put it on my list! What I wonder is, as a new graduate with no nursing experience, as a 66H do you think it matters which center I choose? I am strongly considering listing FT Wainwright in my number one slot.

Hopefully in a year I can sign up for the ER training but, I know I need a minimum of one year in and also need a year bedside nursing too.

Any advice is appreciated.


p.s. for what its worth, there was indeed a rhyme to the reason of my recruiter, we are still proceeding with his route right now

Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
Hello Corvette Guy,

As much as my hopes were high for making FT Lewis number 1 on my list...something happened, (don't laugh, a dream) and I am not even going to put it on my list! What I wonder is, as a new graduate with no nursing experience, as a 66H do you think it matters which center I choose? I am strongly considering listing FT Wainwright in my number one slot.

Hopefully in a year I can sign up for the ER training but, I know I need a minimum of one year in and also need a year bedside nursing too.

Any advice is appreciated.


p.s. for what its worth, there was indeed a rhyme to the reason of my recruiter, we are still proceeding with his route right now

Glad your recruiters reliability has been reaffirmed. Sometimes they get a bad wrap.

FT Wainwright, Alaska is about one mile east of Fairbanks.The Army assumed command of this post in 1961 from the Air Force. The post was first established in 1940 as an Army Air Field, then later designated Ladd Air Force Base.

The military units on this post are; 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry; 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry; 172nd Infantry Brigade; 11th Field Artillery Battalion; 4th Battalion, 123rd Aviation; Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory; Bassett Army Community Hospital

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
Glad your recruiters reliability has been reaffirmed. Sometimes they get a bad wrap.


Goodness do they ever. I am glad that I told him I had concerns because not only did he explain what and why he was proceeding as he was.

Two other sources recommended waiting it out, one I kept confidential and the other knew who he was and highly recommended him and his intentions.

So, yeah I feel like I jumped the gun due to all the recruiter bashing I have heard in my life. On the positive side is I am glad that we worked it out.

While my chances are good I will not know for some time. Meanwhile I am hoping to get lucky with FT Wainwright!


Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.
Goodness do they ever. I am glad that I told him I had concerns because not only did he explain what and why he was proceeding as he was.

Two other sources recommended waiting it out, one I kept confidential and the other knew who he was and highly recommended him and his intentions.

So, yeah I feel like I jumped the gun due to all the recruiter bashing I have heard in my life. On the positive side is I am glad that we worked it out.

While my chances are good I will not know for some time. Meanwhile I am hoping to get lucky with FT Wainwright!


FT Wainwright, Alaska is about one mile east of Fairbanks.The Army assumed command of this post in 1961 from the Air Force. The post was first established in 1940 as an Army Air Field, then later designated Ladd Air Force Base.

The military units on this post are; 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry; 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry; 172nd Infantry Brigade; 11th Field Artillery Battalion; 4th Battalion, 123rd Aviation; Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory; Bassett Army Community Hospital

Did you check out the website?

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
FT Wainwright, Alaska is about one mile east of Fairbanks.The Army assumed command of this post in 1961 from the Air Force. The post was first established in 1940 as an Army Air Field, then later designated Ladd Air Force Base.

The military units on this post are; 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry; 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry; 172nd Infantry Brigade; 11th Field Artillery Battalion; 4th Battalion, 123rd Aviation; Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory; Bassett Army Community Hospital

Did you check out the website?

Hi again,

Oh yes, I scoured the website. I see that Bassett Army Hospital has a med/surg ward with only about 20 beds, an ER, a Women's health center. While I have no clue right now were new nurse graduates would be allowed initial assignment, Alaska has been a long time hope, (over 20 years), right up there with my nursing ambitions.

In my application that went in today I listed my base preferences as

Basett army hospital, FT WW AK

Brook Army Medical Cener, FT Sam Houston TX

Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington DC

I can hardly wait to find out, (edited to add, if I get my age waiver and if I am accepted!)


Elmendorf AFB is next to Ft Rich in Anchorage. Not sure if the Army has Nurses there but don't they usually mix branches?? Ft. Rich has to use Elmendorf for the hospital anyways???

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
Elmendorf AFB is next to Ft Rich in Anchorage. Not sure if the Army has Nurses there but don't they usually mix branches?? Ft. Rich has to use Elmendorf for the hospital anyways???

Hello Nurse Pamela,

What I read does mention that there is a clinic an Anchorage, through Bassett Army Hospital in FT Wainwright, (although I am dodgey on the facts because my hopes were for FT Wainwright near Fairbanks AK).

Thinking positive thoughts and hoping for the best.


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