Hey all,
Last night I worked my first agency shift in a brand new city. I am nurse with 5+ years experience in med/surg tele stepdown but last night they had me work in ER psych hold. I wasn't alone thank goodness but...
The night shift nurse I worked with had been a psych nurse for 40 years. In Psych they have tons of legal papers and documents that are foreign to me. I would ask questions and she wouldn't help. She would explain some things but if I mentioned something, she would act like she didn't understand me. She was loud, she talked for an hour on the phone, and she actually fell asleep and snored for a while in the psych hold room!
At 600, I tried to get a Keflex for a patient and I couldn't find it in the pyxis and in another, the drawer was empty. The patient had dropped off of Pyxis, and I added him back in my myself and still couldn't get the med, I let her know and she told me loudly, "YOU HAVE TO ADD HIM." I said "It's not there, I think I'm gonna call pharmacy." She said "why are you gonna do that?" She wouldn't help me but had a problem if I was trying to take initiative. I tried for an hour looking for the med and could not find it. The day nurse came and was irritated that I hadn't given it even though I told her I would keep working on it to get the medication. What she did was go to the pyxis to check the med and it was not in the drawer like I told her. I felt like no one trusted that I had checked the pyxis.
She did end up finding the med in another 4th pyxis in another part of ER that I didn't know about. She, I'm sure felt vindicated, but she was irritated with me.
I admit in the night, I might have twice sounded irritated with this horrid night nurse that was difficult to work with. But the day nurse and night nurse got irritated at me? I felt awful. I left so upset I couldn't think.
I'm in a new city, struggling to get a travel contract when there are no contracts and my first agency shift ended horribly. Is there something about me that gets people upset? I also don't have a very thick skin. I can't understand how nurses can do agency....walk into a new hospital, new floor, new paperwork, new everything and hit the floor running. I learn fast but within reason. Oh well, thanks for letting me vent!