SSM or BJC ?


Specializes in SICU, ER, MEDICAL.

Do you guys think SSM Hospital System or BJC Hospital System is better for new grads? I guess what I am really wanting to know is you think St. Louis Childrens Hospital of Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital is better for the new Grad RN. Also, does anyone know the starting pay for new grads and Ranken Jordan Childrens Hospital? I know I want to work in Pediatrics but I am unsure as to where to start looking?

Specializes in NICU, High-Risk L&D, IBCLC.

I did clinical rotations at both Children's and Glennon. I had decent experiences with both facilities, but if I had to choose one to work for I would go with Glennon. Glennon has a lot of perks that Children's does not (such as larger sign-on and loan repayment) and they seemed to be more on the ball as far as hiring. Most of my classmates ended up at Glennon rather than Children's for the simple fact that they set up interviews and offered positions long before Children's even thought about contacting them for interviews. Plus, Glennon is currently expanding several departments which will mean continued opportunities for new grads - and they really try to recruit the students that come for clinical rotations, much more so than Children's in my opinion.

Just my :twocents: .

Specializes in SICU, ER, MEDICAL.

Thanks so much for you reply!

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

I don't know much about either from an employment perspective....but having done clinicals at both locations, let me just say the nurses on the SSM floor I was at seemed MUCH happier than the nurses at the BJC site I was at...they were more helpful and cheerful and didn't seem to hate life as much....I don't know if that's an indication of overall happiness with the employer itself or the specific floors, but I almost quit school after seeing the misery at the BJC site!!

Specializes in NICU, High-Risk L&D, IBCLC.
I don't know much about either from an employment perspective....but having done clinicals at both locations, let me just say the nurses on the SSM floor I was at seemed MUCH happier than the nurses at the BJC site I was at...they were more helpful and cheerful and didn't seem to hate life as much....I don't know if that's an indication of overall happiness with the employer itself or the specific floors, but I almost quit school after seeing the misery at the BJC site!!

I have to agree with you here. For my last clinical rotation, I spent 180 preceptor hours in the OR at Glennon. Never have I met such a wonderful group of people - the nurses, the residents, everybody! Everyone was so eager to teach and to give me the best experience possible. The educator even gave me a letter of recommendation to take with me for my job hunt in California. If I would have stayed in St. Louis, I would have stayed on there in a heartbeat. And while my rotation at Children's wasn't bad, it wasn't anywhere near what I experienced at Glennon. Again, just my opinion though!

Specializes in ED, PACU, OB, Education.

I have worked for SSM for 5 1/2 years. I interviewed with BJC. I never regretted my decision to go to SSM. Better benefits, better perks, treat you like a real human, not a line item on the budget. PM me or email me at [email protected] for more information on benefits. They are really good. If you decide to go with SSM, put my name down as the employee referral. You get bonus, I get a bonus, we all get happy.

Specializes in SICU, ER, MEDICAL.

Thanks everyone... Nurse Nan I will be sure to contact you :)

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Wondering what you decided! I've been working at CGHC for a year and a half and have enjoyed it for the most part!

Old thread, but timeless issue.

I worked at BJC (Barnes-Jewish Hospital) for several years but now work for SSM (DePaul). They both have wonderful things going for each of them. But my comment is regarding their defined contribution savings plans. BJC has a 401k and SSM has a 403b. The number names don't really matter, but the investment program management and investment choices are huge issues. I've discovered since leaving BJC what a miserable investment program SSM has. For anyone who follows investing, and indexing in particular, SSM's 403b which is run by Great Western Insurance, is loaded up with high expense ratio funds. Moreover, they have just one index fund, which tracks the S&P 500 but it has an expense ratio like an actively managed fund. It's horrible and SSM should be embarassed. BJC on the other hand has chosen to have Vanguard administer its 401k plan. It largely has very low expense ratio funds including many index funds, and it also has some actively managed funds for people who feel they have to go with these types of investments. BJC also gives access to a few DFA funds, which for those investors who really know indexing, is a very good plus.

Anyhow, without trying to get into many specifics, the bottom line is that the savings plans offered by BJC and SSM differ like night and day, and SSM has a dog of a savings plan which will cost you real money in the long run. I do love working at SSM, but my one true regret is that I have such a lousy savings plan. As it is, anyone working at SSM would be wise to contribute only up to the matching % that SSM matches, and then no more. After that, open up an IRA or a Roth IRA somewhere like Vanguard, or Fidelity, or Schwab... whatever, and contribute to that.

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