Spring 2019 TCC Nursing Student

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone!!

I am a pre-nursing student at Tarrant County College and like many of you I'm hoping to get into the Spring 2019 nursing program. I can't believe that the time to apply is drawing near. I am excited to talk with fellow hopefuls and like minded peers. Yay us!!:woot:

My current stats are:

AP1: A

AP2: In progress

Micro: B

HESI A2: 90

Whenever you guys turned in your applications, did they give you your slot number? I turned mine in today right at 8am today because I had to go to work and none of the nursing staff had gotten to work yet, so I submitted to the receptionist. I'm assuming they all came in at 9am.

I still haven't turned mine in. Lol. I'm procrastinating. But from the previous posts, I am assuming they do. Also, I don't know if it's relevant, but I met someone that is about to graduate from the nursing program that got an 84 on their HESI, and had 2 B's and 1 A in their science courses! I know that was 2 years ago, but hopefully good news for some people that are concerned!

Oh ok...Thanks for the info! Good luck to you!!

I'm just so paranoid!...lol, even though I checked over my application packet like 50 times and had someone go over it with me and I still feel like I missed something that they didn't include on the checklist! Maybe I'm just being extra!...lol

Next week is my last week of ap2 and right now I'm sitting at an A. But I still have two exams left. Hopefully I pull through with an A so I don't have to retake the hesi. I can't wait to turn in my application.I'm going crazy with thought that I'm almost there!!

You got this!!

I am getting ready with my documentation but freaking out about vaccines. Did you the copies from the clinics stating the vaccines you have? Or you used the immunization form that is in the packet?

Hello guys!

Im planning on applying for Spring 2019 and I am really excited and nervous !

My stats are:

Ap 1: B

Ap2: B

Micro: class is about to finish but I currently have an A.

I took the Hesi in June at got a 81% :( I am trying to take it over again and get above a 90.

I had question about the immunizations. Do we give them in with the application or when you get accepted?

I didn't use the immunization form. All I did was make copies of the documentation I got from the doctors office showing that I received the vaccines and included them in the packet.

Hi Everyone!!

I am a hopeful pre-nursing student for TCC for the Spring 2019 semester. My grades are

AP1: A

AP2: A

Micro: A

HESI: 88

Good luck everyone!! I applied 2 weeks ago and was applicant #24

Turned in my application today!!

I turned mine in today, too! :) My immunizations are not complete, but I showed her what I had so far and that they will be complete before school starts and she said that's fine! I also forgot the passport photo, but she said just to bring it some time before the semester starts, because she thinks I have a very high chance of getting in and will need it! Fingers crossed for all of us!

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