Spring 2018 Prairie View

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone. Is anyone applying at Prairie View medical center in Houston ? For spring 2018?

That's what I was thinking of doing. In his message he said to also email him because I would get a faster response. I will keep ya updated! :) If anyone gets a call as well please post!!

Hope the call was for good news! I haven't heard from either Dr. Smith (who is a woman btw lol) or Ms. Anderson for about 2 weeks now and I feel like they are still reviewing applications! Since I still doubt we will get decisions back this week I hope we start getting them early next week!

I Actually received a call from Dr. Smith..

She wanted more proof of my citizenship, wanted me to email her everything that I had

because they were reviewing applicants.

Hopefully I made the cut..

Good luck to everyone

I would take that as a good thing. If you would not have made the cut they would not have taken the time to reach out to you and would have simply just sent out a denial letter! So that is a good sign :)

Hey guys! I spoke to Dr. Smith this morning as well! She also wanted proof of my citizenship so I emailed her what she needed. Hoping this is a good sign as well ! :)

Now we just have to wait....

Can you email me, I want to ask you some questions if you won't mind.

[email protected]


Thank you

They wanted to confirm my SSN when they called me. That was last week though. I'm hoping I'll get a chance cos they left out my chemistry in my evaluation so it shows I have 7hrs pending.

Hey guys! I spoke to Dr. Smith this morning as well! She also wanted proof of my citizenship so I emailed her what she needed. Hoping this is a good sign as well ! :)

Can I ask what exactly they asked for ?!

About two weeks after sending application they asked to they were missing ss# but did they am your more than the number. Thanks for your information

With your application you needed to provide your SSN, it stated that in the application checklist. I just wrote it down for them on my application... Dr. Smith wanted proof of my legal status since I am not a citizen. I emailed him what he asked for and that was it. I'm hoping because they took the time to call me that it's a good sign! I still haven't heard anything since then, so we'll see what happens.

Hey everyone ! I received an email from Dr. Smith, status letters are going out Monday!!!

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