Published Mar 8, 2009
507 Posts
I am awaiting acceptance letter to NS. If not too much trouble, will someone give me some insight on what medsurge is. I read much about it here. Is it a floor where people with colds, and flu and such come in? I feel silly for asking what it is-Thankyou:redpinkhe:bow:
222 Posts
My med surg floor has alot of different things. We have people that have GI problems some just from surgery others with pnemonia. Many are there for workups and the docs do not know exactly what is causing them distress. Alot of pain issues too. You see alot of different things on med surg.
ZooMommyRN, ADN, RN
913 Posts
Med/Surg is alphabet soup lol it's a little bit of everything, our flavor of the month right now is COPD exacerbation, we've had some brush fires and it aggravated alot of older pt's with COPD to the point of admission
108 Posts
The admitting diagnosis for some of my recent patients:
COPD exacerbation
Rule out SBO vs. ileus
ETOH withdrawl seizure
GI bleed
Lower back pain
Right toe abcess
You see a bit of just about everything!